there's been a long running trend of fans of celebrities screaming at the top of their lungs how much they 'love' them as if it's the last thing they'll ever do, or if they're being held hostage and their kidnapper has gone out giving them an opportunity at attempting to get help. regardless of how they do it, an INSANELY strong word is being used towards someone who they've never spoken to one on one and would be a complete stranger if not for their fame. i feel like the word love is a complex and powerful word which has had it's meaning lost due to the overuse of it, and celebrities who choose not to use it towards their fans should be respected, and not attacked all over the media. a BIG example of this, is when doja cat was flamed all over twitter and other social media for saying her fans who say they love her, and expect her to love them were weird as 'if they knew me they wouldn't even like me' (aka the REALEST statement known to mankind). yeah, celebrities should be grateful for their fans who support them and source their income, but loving them?? that is a push too far for anyone to be expected to feel, we need to remember these people are human, they have thoughts, feelings AND boundaries, just like the rest of us, which everyone should know is alright. i dislike this new idea that celebrities are put on a pedestal and just expected to be perfect and unable to make any mistakes or have views of their own, it's abusive and the industry is pushing these harsh expectations onto famous people without signs of it getting any better.....ever (and its a mystery why so many celebrities become addicts, or kill themselves).
should celebrities love their fans, or even like them??
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