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Category: Life

updates in life

hey everyone! just updating you all on what's been going on in our life rq

we've been on discord mostly, but we're going to be coming back probably to spacehey because discord was blocked on our home wifi by our mother (though we may get it back in a week or so)

we're grounded from our phone, but we still have it - the home wifi was just disabled from it, so we can't use the wifi here at home

we're almost 15!! can't wait to celebrate our bday!

we have a computer coming this wednesday/thursday/friday, and we're super excited!! we'll finally be able to play minecraft and do other stuff once it's here!

we made some new school friends and a few discord friends, too!

our bf (tommy <3) is super sweet to us, and we plan on moving out together once we emancipate and he's 18

eddsworld + tomska hyperfix, also like listening to amazing classical music and other genres as well

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SEVYN/AARON's profile picture

Hii (Im looking for Eddsworld friends :3)

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HI OMG. so sorry ..... we've not been on spacehey for a LONG while !!! again !! we'd love to be eddsworld friends tbh :3 haii!!!!

by traumaresponse; ; Report