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Category: Life

Being different is not always easy

I was born a warm spring day in the noon. During my youth, i did not have it easy, because i was different from the majority of people. I was born with a few gifts that not many people on this planet can comprehend or understand, and because of that you will get judged and also bullied. I have been a telepath ever since i was a child, and a empath as well.  What does this mean exactly! It means that as an empath, i can sense energies way more easily, more easily than most people. So I know very easily if evil creatures are skulking around near by, or even further away. Creatures you wont see with your naked eye, but only with your third eye open. Or as some people call it, 6th sense. Telepathy is another gift I have. Firstly, i want to make one thing perfectly clear here. Many believe that channeling and telepathy is one and the same thing. But it is not, and never was! Let me try to explain the differences between the two, between channeling and telepathy. When you channel a being you invite that being to possess you! That is right, when you invite a being to enter your body for a channel, you invite them to possess you! Once this being is inside you, there is no guarantee that they will leave your body after the channel is done! This is why channelings are so dangerous! Sadly most channelers think it is all good and completely safe. But i tell you truly, it is not! It is a very dangerous practice! Telepathy is the safest way to communicate with souls and spirits. Higher spiritually advanced beings of love and light, like god's warriors, the archangels, archeias and also angels, including other highly evolved beings of love and light in the cosmos and creation itself uses telepathy to communicate. There are two types of telepathy! The simples form of telepathy that the archangels and angels use and other divine beings of love and light uses is telepathy by images. This images can bee picked up by a person when they are a sleep, or also during their awakened state. when they are awake during the day! Sadly majority of people do not give this messages any attention, because they take it for granted it was only a "dream". And the majority of people often ignores things that they can not understand, usually due to fear of the unknown, if someone from the other side tried to give you a message by telepathy, using image telepathy. The choice of ignoring them is smart in a sense because of the fact that the archons, the ultimate evil species of all that is unholy and evil, have the knowledge of how to play  mind games, with once fears, angers, shames, rage, hatred. They do not even have to bee next to you to bee able to manipulate you and play mind games with your emotions, like fears, angers, hatred, shames etc. But it at the same time it is sad that so many have chosen to do that, ignore the telepathic messages from the higher beings of love and light. The other type of telepathy, is a bit more advanced type of telepathy, than telepathy with pictures. The more advanced type of telepathy, is vocal telepathy. I would describe it the easiest, that it is like talking into an invincible phone. Sometimes, the reception is static and difficult to hear what the other one is saying, and sometimes it is very clear so you can hear the other person speak clearly. Another way how to describe vocal telepathy is when you get a letter and read it, it registers in the brain, and you read the letter in silence. I have the ability to use  both types as an telepath! Mostly I use vocal telepathy. This is two of my gifts i was born with. Some people would call this gifts for a curse. I call them gifts, because that is what they are and not a curse. This two gifts have helped me a lot in life! The only downside with such gifts is people and people's judgmental attitude on things that they can not comprehend and understand, and with it people like me, get branded, retard, wierdo, witch and other nasty things, and are usually pushed away and made fun out of! How ever, i was smart enough in my youth when i was in high school, to not tell anyone about my gifts! Only one person new about it and it was my friend i had been friends with for several years back then. But this days, i think it is important to tell people, that being different is beautiful. Wetter it is by appearance or by gifts! God created us unique in some many ways, and one should bee happy with how one are, no matter what the evil and cruel media and society standards forces you to bee, to fit in the crowd. Just bee you and not pretend to bee someone you are not, just to fit in! Sometimes your own company and the friendship to yourself is far better than being surrounded by toxic people.

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