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Fleeting Joys and thoughts

A Beautiful End - Fleeting Joys (spotify)

There is something about Fleeting Joys that I don't know how to explain... a sad sweetness in the things written together with a typical shoegaze melody from the 2000s (maybe being an irreparable fan of Snow Patrol and similar bands since childhood explains it lmao) that makes me feel and think and let my emotions flow among so many days where I swallow emotions so I can live day to day without anguish

there's a part in the lyrics that catches my attention since the first time

"One day love will come and comfort me

I believe

And you'll see just all I could have been

Wait and see"

reminds me of a story of a guy who said that his life changed after his girlfriend reminded him that she loved him and wanted him around (he dedicated himself to life with much more strength than before, accustomed to neglect, never having really thought about the love he was receiving from her)

every time this song plays I think about it, how love has this unstoppable power to repair and heal, how sometimes people out there just need to be loved to become better versions of themselves... how people are starving for true love and how something so sincere has such a strong force that it is externalized, cause we can see the effects on what we love and what surrounds our lives when we are cherished! that is the most beautiful thing that being alive gives me the opportunity to see and the ability to cause 

when bad days come, when bad feelings and bad memories brings pain again and again, I like to think that love hasn't come yet and when it arrives - like a hug in an airport, full of longing - I'll become someone better, someone I wish to be from the bottom of my heart. 

I'm not just talking about someone loving me, but knowing how to love myself and being with someone who wants to heal with me, to change with me. I want to see my love radiate everywhere, I want to see the world become different. I want to share my love and watch love blessing me. 

1 Kudos


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