forgot to post mb

uh oh i forgot to post and I don't even know why plus I don't have any ideas on what I should post :') so uhhh wanna hear about my week? if you do then keep on reading, or don't idrc --->

so this week was a bit crazy but here is some stuff that happened over each day 

Monday: I don't remember much other than I got referred to the planning room (at my school its where you go if you do something wrong and you have to fill out a paperwork thingy) because apparently I was being disrespectful to another student and to be fair I was but he deserved it because he was an A-hole and you might be wondering "how was he an A-hole?" well he is a doesn't stop complaining and he is self absorbed. my Japanese teacher (THAT UGLY MFING HOE) sat us together and the a-hole wouldn't shut up and he complained about every little thing and he kept putting his stuff on MY desk so I pushed his stuff off and I got referred like what? its not my fault it was on my desk

tuesday: we had pe first but we had a sub that let us do whatever we want so it wasn't that bad then we had business and my laptop die so I almost got sent to the planning room again but I didn't (thank jesus) then I went to lunch, it was shit because I forgot to bring food. then I went to math and  THE TEACHER MADE ME SIT AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS LIKE WTF I DONT EVEN TALK TO THEM THAT MUCH WHAT THE HELL AND THEN SHE ALSO SHOUTED ACROSS THE ROOM THAT I WAS BEHIND ON WORK WHEN I WASNT AT ALL, then we had music last and it was aight ig and after school i rode my bike with my friend cooper, his cuz and his friend, i hate his friend, i had to fight pushing him over the bridge multiple times and he was so impatient, andkept asking "when are you gonna go" and "leave us alone and go back to your mums house" also when i had coopers phone he acted as if i committed a crime and was like "erm coeper she has your phone" like STFU YOU UGLY BITCH YOU LOOK LIKE A RED GOBLIN AND YOU SPEAK LIKE A CARTOON CHARACTER WITH A BLOCKED NOSE 

Wednesday: I had science first and it was pretty good, I got a lot of work done but I never ended up finishing my homework then I had english and I had a sub and she was so annoying like ughhhhh and in the last session I had Japanese and religion, the TA in religion was so annoying and she wouldn't leave me alone like lady go away and let me play spongebob krusty cook off in peace please, I've already finished my work so FUCK OFF and also she was treating me like a child just bc i was one of the "special" kids like i hate being one of the assisted learning kids because we all get treated like 4 year olds and act like we are vegetables that cant do anything for ourselves and it makes me so annoyed when one of the privileged mentally abled kids say "i wish i was a sped kid" like STFU that's like asking to have a disability, its rude and people only see the pros of it and not the bad side, like no annie you dont want to be a special kid, you want to be able to use fidget toys and get extra time on assignments. 

thursday: went to my friend coopers house after school and had so much fun, we showed his cuz what tokio hotel was and he said they all look like girls (go off urself) and other than that nothing else happened 

Friday: literally did nothing and school was boring :)

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