Hell & Heaven.

  1. Great is a man that is good for the sake of heaven, but greater even if a man that is good in spite of hell. If the lord himself were to come down tomorrow and order a man to kill an innocent child, a faithful man ought to follow. For there could not be any more obvious of an act one should carry out, than that which is directly ordered by the creator himself. However a moral man, a truly moral man, would reject the order to kill an innocent off his own principles alone. A great man would stand against God for the sake of goodness itself, a great man would proclaim that peace, goodness, morality, and the protection of that which is innocent exists above God himself. A great man makes peace with hell so that he may bring peace to earth. If God does or does not like gay people is not relevant to me regardless of if he is real because I would support, protect, and uphold the rights of a gay person regardless. I will build a heaven here on earth with aching arms and bruised legs. May the Gods judge me when I’m dead.

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emma †

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I totally understand this! As a catholic lesbian, here's my understanding of these concepts.
(I am not commenting to argue, or even to disagree with you. I would like to hear more about your perspective on these things, they're so fascinating! I am going to be studying theology at University come fall. I would love to have further conversation with you, feel free to message me!)

God's commandments are not and can never be immoral, since they originate from the greatest source of good there is, God Himself. God gave us these commandments, not to condemn us but so that we might find life, joy, and morality through them. We may believe that we know what is best for us, but truly how could we? We do not see the bigger picture, we can only see and experience life through our own eyes. God gave us these commandments so that we could thrive! He sees the bigger picture (as he created the literal universe and everything within it, including you and me), so it makes sense that he knows what's best for us.

Faith and morality go hand in hand - one cannot claim to be a follower of Christ while causing harm to others. Sins are sins because they cause harm to others or to you. A man who truly has faith in God will do his absolute best to not harm others and to fight for the rights of the oppressed. There are many Christians who do not understand this, and by not understanding it do not live their lives in the way we are called to.

In Genesis 22, God commands Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac. As Abraham is about to k-ll his son, an angel stops him. This story is a testament of faith in God. God never wanted Isaac as a sacrifice, He wanted to test Abraham's loyalty to Him. Once Abraham proved to God that he was a faithful man, God did not allow any harm to come to Isaac. Abraham is even blessed for his immense faith: "because you acted as you did in not withholding from me your son, your only one, I will bless you and make your descendants as countless as the stars of the sky and the sands of the seashore; your descendants will take possession of the gates of their enemies, and in your descendants all the nations of the earth will find blessing, because you obeyed my command." (verses 16-18)

On the topic of gay people, God does not condemn people simply for loving someone. That would be unjust, and it has been made evident that God is just. God doesn't condemn these people, rather other humans do (or attempt to) due to their "authority" among their congregation. Simply declaring that someone will be condemned does not condemn them - only God can do that. Anything the Church might say that is homophobic or against the very existence of gay people is coming from their political agenda as an institution, not necessarily from the religious values that Christ taught. There have been many historical instances where the catholic church taught something that went against the true teachings of Christ, this is not a new thing since humans are biased and fallible. I hope one day the Church will progress enough to be accepting of everyone regardless of who they love.

And heaven can exist on earth! Heaven is total closeness and oneness with God, which we can only achieve when we are in a sinless state. This doesn't just exist after we die. Jesus taught that through the sacraments of baptism and reconciliation, we can be forgiven of our sins, which would make us temporarily sinless (until we choose to sin again). There's truly nothing like it! We CAN work to make heaven on earth!

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