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Category: Art and Photography

Blender Fox n Family Project 1

I have recently been puzzling over the fox character modelling and rigging tutorial so that I can create my family members and I as our animal selves in a quaint little scene. It was originally supposed to be for Christmas but I was too busy/brainmelty to finish it in time.

On the bright side, I am pleased with the somewhat evident progress between my first attempt (middle fox) and my latest (left). Much cleaner topology and pleasing shapes and also took me less time! (The right one is an experimental bear version for my dad lol         ₍^ >ヮ<^₎ .ᐟ.ᐟ)

This is how the scene looks currently in a rendered state. They are just standing there menacingly haha. (It seems spacehey only loads this image sporadically. Even as an image, the cost of rendering is a thousandfold lol.)

This is it unrendered so you can actually see the tree haha. Also I featured my winamp app because it has brought me nothing but joy to have such a retro web staple on my screen. I will make a blog post about my favourites later!
Have a good day everynyan! /ᐠ. .ᐟ\ฅ

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