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Category: Life

Awkward at Spencer's

     Yes by Spencer's im referring to the store that everyone jokes upon the back, i always thought it was just hot topics with ONLY 'stuff' at the BACK, but boy i was wrong. 

    Today i was at the outlet mall with my boyfriend getting him clothes (i was there to help pick out what he would look better in with my artist eyes), and by the end of it we somehow ended going into Spencer's, i just simply went with confidence telling myself to just not looking at the back, but simply walking two steps in seeing the products upon being, pardon my language, shirts, stickers, keychains and more of boobs, sluts, dicks, and im not sure what got into me, i got uncomfortable (it was just really awkward for me) and could not walk around without seeing something related as those three things i listed before, without a doubt i just turned to leave but my boyfriend told me to stay as he didn't see anything wrong with it, and i mean, i guess there isn't anything wrong with it and im not Ace or whatever, just something in me triggered and i went to Claire's that was right across instead, after then my mood just got plain, i cant smile and im stressed and upset, about what exactly? im not sure. i still cant understand myself, when there's a sexual scene in a movie i always walk away, but making sexual jokes over the phone is okay?, sometimes i feel like a little kid, people are vaping and getting pregnant at my age (a High School Freshman) while i am sitting in geometry class, sipping on my juice box from the cafeteria, eating a home made sandwich (im always eating in class, i cant help it), and most importantly drawing, why stress about me cheating in a relationship when im doing such things! anyways, im still processing what could  be up with me and public sexual things being shown but besides that im still trying to push myself to work on my book i've been writing on Wattpad (its the only place i know where to publish books as public!) and im barely done with chapter 1. and part with pushing myself in motivation, i've thrifted some clothes in different sizes and now will work on re-branding them for my brand sale on the 14th and 23! im just slightly worried nobody will buy from me, hopefully it works out.


February 24, 2024


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Ina's profile picture

I feel relieved to hear about someone who has a similar opinion.
Like, there's nothing wrong with it, but... why do I need to confront it?
On the TV, it's just awkward. Not only it's fake, but most of the times it adds nothing to the plot. We can blame Hollywood and other people that I would rather not mention on that.

The thing when we make jokes is that we know it's a joke. And we can't actually see anything.

For example, when I read medical conditions I have to imagine what they would look like, forcing my mind to create a picture and giving me a sense of control.
But, when I actually have to see what happened to someone, it's a whole different thing. I can almost feel their pain.

I don't engage with that and I don't want to. I feel like that's a type of brainrot within pop culture.

More and more people my age are rejecting these type of stuff. You don't have to be like the others. Think for yourself. And if they mock you bc of that, then tell them to eat melted shit. lol

Anyways, I'm not familiar with that store but yeah... stay way from it.
I have to go back to my emo corner right now, so bye! :P

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