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Scaling The Wizard of Oz (I have ascended)

Scaling The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz


As stated in each write up I do, I’ll be assuming that humans are around human level unless I have good reason to believe otherwise. This helps keeps interpretations of stories consistent. The same goes for assuming the Oz universe is similar to our own, you know, besides the magic and talking lions.

I am only considering the movie version of Oz for now. I really like the idea of reading all fourteen books, as they’re literally just battle shonen in children’s novel format. Don’t believe me? Watch the movie again. Just the movie adaption has like six fights in it.

My interpretation is that no one gets more powerful as the movie progresses. You could make the case that the shop in the Emerald City fixes everyone up, but the Scarecrow keeps his harsh limp and the Tin Man continues to squeak from his joints rubbing. Plus, the Cowardly Lion and Dorothy just get a makeover.

This will list characters from weakest to strongest. Don’t be surprised when I make some assumptions for the sake of placing people. Adding to this, I won’t be doing variants in depth. I’ll discuss them within my placements and you can decide where they’d go if their snapshots were applied.

I’m using my deadliness scale theory for this. Read that if you want to understand this better. I’ve evolved though and I should warn you of that. I’m now on numeric deadliness. I edited that write-up to reflect this. Think of this as a debut for Numdead system.

SPOILERS - Lastly, I’ll be assuming the canonical ending is true. If you didn’t know, The Wizard of Oz is a dream sequence, whereas The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a real series of events that take place in the same universe as Oz’s Earth. You can actually see the line in the movie where they set up the actual ending and randomly divert by having Dorothy wake up. If I didn’t do this, each main character would be abstract thoughts with no deadliness whatsoever.


I’ll keep this one short. Humans in The Wizard of Oz spend their time doing farm work. The best thing we see from a human is Hunk (human Tin Man) close a large cellar door despite a twister blowing it open. This twister was just ripping doors and window frames off the farm house. This would be an EF-1 tornado, nearly enough to tear down walls of a structure. Before we get into the “humans in this verse are superhuman” theory, Hunk does get some help closing the door from an unknown cellar inhabitant. To set the record straight, this twister is most likely much worse than an EF-1 as it was on the horizon when it started dealing damage to the outside of the home. Regardless, it paralleled an EF-1 at that range as the door was being closed.

Best I can do is humans being peak human and below. This is a general rating since I have no feats for their stats beyond strength.


Dorothy doesn’t really do much, hence the low position. She seems to be relative to the other humans. 

Dorothy is very slow, easily outran when racing through the flower meadow on the way to the Emerald City. Not only this, but she literally falls from exhaustion after a quick sprint. Back in Kansas she does manage to run back home in a fairly quick manner after hiking down the road a good bit. Maybe she’s just kinda normal in speed?

Durability is a weird one. Dorothy doesn’t take damage, so I can’t give you that run down. She gets bonked by an apple from a tree, but that doesn’t tell me much. What we do know is that her ruby slippers make her resistant to some magic. Final verdict is human level durability with some magic resistance.

Dorothy stomps on Cowardly Lion’s tail and makes him cry. Whatever. Basic human level to be safe. I’m praying for the books to have better feats for the Kween of Kansas. If we want to give gas, Dorothy’s slippers emit an electric like force that zaps those who go for her shoes. This zap is able to phase the Wicked Witch of the West. 

Skipping intelligence. Dorothy isn’t particularly wise, playing a naive young person. Young ain’t dumb though. Basic human level I suppose.

Character is one stat we can actually delve into. Dorothy doesn’t have a violent bone in her body, but she will stand up for herself. Both of her kills are accidental. It’s safe in assuming Dorothy will never swing first; She will stare you down though.

Equating tiering to numeric value, Dorothy is a 2 on average at 60% capacity due to a docile but defensive nature. 1.2 on average or minimally above low human.

The Wizard of Oz

SPOILERS (last warning) - This guy stinks!

Average human level speed? He’s just a Kansas boy.

Average human durability. No feats. Sorry bud.

This dude can’t stand face to face confrontation. To be fair, he may be powerful in some way. The Wizard of Oz is a self-described low level wizard and doesn’t do anything destructive. He states that killing the Wicked Witch of the West is a small task, but this was in his huge cap era if we’re being honest.

Despite seeming like a hack, the Wizard of Oz acts as though he is locally and presently (no future-sight) omniscient. He knows exactly who the Oz Squad are, to the point where he tells the Tin Man and Scarecrow their missions before having it explained to him. He wasn’t aware that the Wicked Witch of the West died, hinting that he can’t read minds, can’t see the future, and has no all-knowing knowledge past the Enchanted Forest.

Dr. Oz is all talk. Sure, he has his fire stage effects, but he’s a sassy little man with no bite. 

Munchkin Soldiers

I’ll make this one quick. These soldiers are featless. Considering they should be relative to humans (seeing as though they’re actually as tall as Dorothy) and are trained to boot.

I’m assuming speed is average human to athlete level. These dudes do nothing but march around and sing twink songs as far as I’m concerned.

No armor or feats means no notable durability. Human level.

The Munchkin Soldiers actually have spears and rifles. I’m convinced they could slice and dice Dorothy if they wanted to. Athlete level with impaling weapons to enhance strikes and a platoon that could musket you out if you ran up on the wrong squad. The guns are rare though, making this placement a bit lower than it could go.

Skipping intelligence. I have no clue. Average human?

These dudes are docile in the only combat situation we see. I’ll pass over that point so it hits harder later in this write-up. I’ll assume these soldiers are defensive, but not bitches.

West Castle Guards

These soldiers are badass. If you don’t remember these guys, I wouldn’t be surprised. They adorn samurai-like armor with green faces like that of the Wicked Witch. Given that they’re meant to be menacing, these guards will get some slight gas.

These guards aren’t very fast at all. Dorothy is able to keep away from them. Average human level.

Heavy armor plating says it all. Resembling O-Yoroi, this armor should offer heavy leathers that resemble wood in durability. Superhuman durability given the conjecture.

Power is essentially a Munchkin Soldier copy/paste but with bigger spears and no rifles. Athlete level with impaling/slicing enhanced strikes.

No clue on intelligence. These dudes know battle formations. They also tanked soldier indoctrination, being aware of the systematic issues caused by the Wicked Witch. Kinda woke ngl. High human level?

Don’t get me started on character. These guys want to kill. They’re scratchin’ at the neck. They want blood. 

Apple Trees

Not only did I forget about the Fighting Trees, I forgot that they literally swap hands with the Scarecrow. The book gasses these guys up way more, but that’s another story.

The Apple Trees don’t move, but they are physically fast with their limbs. Athlete level for grabbing an apple from Dorothy’s hand and hitting her with it before she even notices them move.

Durability… Yeah. They’re made of wood and rooted into the ground. Wood level hardness with fair shock absorption? Answer fiens on Quora seem to think trees can take grenade blasts and that ~sounds+* reasonable. Superhuman durability if we even the stats out.

Power is a somewhat featless stat. A tree throws an apple and knocks down the Scarecrow, but that’s while he’s trying to encourage them to throw apples at him. The slap box session does nothing to the Scarecrow either.

Intelligence? I don’t know, man. Average human level?

The trees love a fight but are entirely defensive. That being said, their fuse is very short.

The Tin Man

Finally, another main character. This placement should be no surprise.

The Tin Man wins the race across the meadow towards Emerald City (accounting for head starts). Athletic human level.

Like the Scarecrow, the Tin Man does fine without vital organs. Make of that what you will. Unlike the straw man, the Tin Man is told he’d be killed by the Wicked Witch rather than repurposed. I don’t have any feats for durability, though. I’ll give the Tin Man superhuman durability for having thin metal skin and being relative to his piers minus the fleshy body.

Note: there exists a snapshot of this character in heavy leather armor. Castle Tin Man is superhuman x2.

The Tin Man defeats a Castle Guard in a one on one and uses his axe to take down a reinforced wooden dungeon door. Calling this athlete level in power.

Intelligence isn’t a Tin Man strong suit. I’ll settle for average human level since we have no smarts feats.

Character doesn’t tell us much. The Tin Man wants a heart but isn’t heartless. This is where I’d give him his EOS Oz buff (or nerf in this case), but he doesn’t get shit lmao. The Wizard of Oz gives him a fucking clock necklace. Get ate, you docile metal fuck. 

Equating tiering to numeric value, the Tin Man is a 3.25 on average at 70% capacity due to a docile but mostly defensive nature. 2.25 on average or minimally above average human.

The Scarecrow


The Scarecrow is actually one of the fastest members of the Oz Squad. He wins the race across the meadow towards Emerald City. He easily runs away from the Apple Trees. Not to mention, he does all this with a very heavy limp that literally trips him every few steps. Athletic human level.

Durability is crazy. Mans is a bag of straw that feels no pain and can stuff himself as long as he has a limb to use. Sure, he’s soft, but he lowkey is a regeneration machine. Could he take a bullet? I think so tbh. It would just move the straw around. Not to mention he survives with no brain, if that matters in a magical world. Subhuman level (my first 0 stat) with mind/body dependent regeneration and malleable straw-flesh. Given that he takes wood hands and has SpongeBob squishiness, I’ll give the Scarecrow an honorary superhuman level.

Note: like the Tin Man, there exists a snapshot of this character in heavy leather armor. Mix that with a body that doesn’t mind impaling and ripping, and we actually have a monster of a threat. Sure, you could puncture the armor, but that won’t hurt him at all. You’d need to take limbs off to make him leak straw, and that’s not even a win con against him. Castle Scarecrow is superhuman with completely malleable flesh.

The Scarecrow dukes it out with Trees and wins a one on one with a Castle Guard. He beat ass through heavy leathers. Not to mention, he does so with soft baby fists. Superhuman? I don’t know.

Side point: The Scarecrow has a fucking gun. He pulls a revolver out in the Haunted Forest, but never seems to use it. It’s glicky time if push really comes to shove I guess.

The Scarecrow’s intelligence is our first EOS Oz buff. To be fair, the point is that he was always smart, but he doesn’t utilize this trait until the very end. He becomes “intelligent” and says some basic geometry shit to prove it. He also wrastles trained soldiers with no training. Peak human.

The straw man ain’t afraid to fight. He’s a smoke haver for the most part. 

Equating tiering to numeric value, Scarecrow is a 7 on average at 75% capacity due to his defensive nature. 5.25 on average or minimally above peak human.

Flying Monkeys

The ultimate henchman.

These things haul, but don’t come across as too fast compared to the Oz Squad. Peak human speed for struggling to catch Scarecrow.

I have no stats for durability. These things are chimp-like apes and can probably take some chimp hits. Superhuman durability?

These things beat down all the main characters with ease. Not to mention them being apes again, but they’re apes. Chimps are about twice as strong as humans, and these ones are trained. Superhuman strength.

Intelligence is probably low as hell. These things seem like bumbling idiots. Low human.

Intelligence dips into character here. The Flying Monkeys are literally evil henchman. They’re a bit defensive, a bit aggressive, and willing to go to war if you hold power over them.

Since I did the math while fuckin' around: 6.5 average stats at 100% capacity for a peak human surpassed stat line.

Cowardly Lion

This is the big dawg. Apparently he has a “King” variant that should be much more impressive than his normal self, and that’s why he’s placed where he is.

For speed, I have the Cowardly Lion down as average human. He’s on the losing end of the meadow race and also becomes exhausted easily. He should be an actual lion but I have yet to see him do lion shit. 

No durability feats. Human level. Given that the “King” Lion may be able to take on Elephants, we might be in business for multiple times superhuman, assuming he could take what he could dish out.

Note: like his peers, there exists a snapshot of this character in heavy leather armor. Superhuman for this variant.

Cowardly Lion defeats a Castle Guard in a one on one. I called this athlete level in power before, and I’ll do it again.

Real shit though, apparently the EOS Oz buff (again, not a real buff), Cowardly Lion states that he could take on Rhinos, Elephants, and Dinosaurs. He’d make all the trees bow which sounds like he’d turn the Apple Trees into his bitches. I hate to do it, but matching a charging dinosaur would probably allow Cowardly Lion to break heavy concrete. Numbers float around online for something like this and I’m not excited about any of them. Here’s my math: Assuming a weight of ~10 tons for a dinosaur and the ability to wrestle it around, we could be looking at 10x superhuman. I’ll meet you at Rhino combatant level because I think the “King beating a dinosaur” is cap. Superhuman x3 is fine for a lifting strength of 6 tons. If a house is heavy overkill against a witch, King Lion might be able to box said witch.

No intelligence feats. Average human?

Oh boy. The Cowardly Lion is cowardly. Despite this, he can put on a show, making Dorothy, Tin Man, and Scarecrow afraid for their lives. He also can perform self-defense if needed. Honestly, he’s just a bit awkward and doesn’t like the idea of fighting armies of soldiers. I feel that completely.

The “King” Lion apparently isn’t afraid at all and sounds like a dictator asshole. This is his super saiyan emotion buff lol.

Equating tiering to numeric value, King Lion is a 11.5 on average at 125% capacity due to actively wanting to subdue the entire population. 14.4 on average, or far surpassed superhuman on average.

Fun bonus fact: I have a GTA character scale drafted. Using Numeric Deadliness, Carl Johnson from San Andreas boxes with the King Lion. I love this system.

The Wicked Witch of the West

Oh yeah. The main event.

The Wicked Witch isn’t faster than her guards on foot but seemingly faster than her monkey men in the air. Average human level on foot and superhuman in the air if we think she’s at vehicle cruising speed.

The Castle Guards hate this woman but won’t try her. I assume shes nice with the durability. If she’s like her sister, a house slamming her should be lethal. The issue is dropping ~120,000lbs at 24 m/s (low ball on the speed (chugma)) is 5kSH+ and that’s a high ass ceiling (15676153.344 joules for the nerds who want to test my math skills). I’m under the impression that no man could really do substantial damage to the Wicked Witch. In that same breath, I don’t think much is needed to damage these low effort ass witches. This one melts with water lol.

Fuck it. Who knows? SPR5?

Battle shonen feat time. The Wicked Witch touches down in munchkin land and kills everyone near her with the shock wave. The munchkins stay down. Some munchkins in the back sit up as the scene goes on, but no one in center-blast gets up.. The Wicked Witch says she’ll kill the Tin Man and rip apart Scarecrow. She can launch weak fireballs that make the Oz Squad back up in fear. She also crafts poison potions. I’ll hand her peak human in physical power but I don’t have enough to go off of.

I’m gonna give this a hype stat because it feels needed. Low balling the Witch’s shockwave to M67 grenade level puts her at ~300xSH with her magic. If you instead see the shockwave as an extension of her lifting strength in a telekinetic-adjacent way, she probably dishes out ~2xSH based on the kickback of her blast. I like this latter take personally.

Advanced knowledge of alchemy, magic, and the ability to study via crystal ball lead me to believe the Wicked Witch is peak human in knowledge. This explains her opium wardrobe.

The Wicked Witch is just a conservative goon. Angry mystic wants violence type beat. Maximum stranger activities with some ability to lessen the violence for ratchet ho hours. She literally hides behind a tree to stalk Dorothy and snatches Toto for no reason.

Equating tiering to numeric value, the Wicked Witch is a 16.25 on average at 100% capacity due to an aggressive but not genocidal nature. She’s nearing 2x superhuman!

The Good Witch of the North

Bonus character. I’m not going to make this one a full break down. The Good Witch has superior magic to the Wicked Witch and is able to teleport via bubble. She shouldn’t be any stronger than the Wicked Witch, but she’s better at mystic stuff at least.

0 Kudos


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