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Category: Blogging


still hung up on the things from my last blog. im not sure what it is. is it me? is it them? i gen dont get why i dont have any good friends. not saying that the ones i have arent good but i just want people that genuinely want to hangout with me. i feel like im only this upset bc i had a similar experience over the summer. me and my back then friends were taking a train to a museum and i missed the train and theyd said they would wait for me at the station but they didnt and just left without me leaving me all alone in a new city that i barley knew. i had to figure out how to take the subway and had to walk for minutes even getting lost for a bit to make it to the museum just for it to be sold out when i got there. they arent too similar in what happened but its just like the feeling of being left out/abandoned that gets to me. i want people that will wait for me, people that do want to hang out with me. i dont know why its so hard for me to even just have one person. seriously thinking that i am the problem and just dont know too well.

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π»π’œπΌπΏπΈπ’΄ 𝒒𝐿π’ͺπ’ͺ𝑀𝐼𝐸

π»π’œπΌπΏπΈπ’΄ 𝒒𝐿π’ͺπ’ͺ𝑀𝐼𝐸's profile picture

I feel like the problem is less you and more like you have been trying to fit in with the wrong people. If you're the type of person who beats to their own drum trying to make friends with people that value groupspeak, then you're going to be in a world full of hurt :((

I've been through the exact same thing, and at some point I just gave up because the idea of friend groups left a bad taste in my mouth and group social situations are overstimulating and stressful because of my ADHD :(( hobbies are funner than friends to me anyways

I ended up just saying fuck it and ended up adopting all the quiet introverts that sat in the corner and bam new best friends :) Friendships are more fulfilling when it's just one-on-one anyways. Plus half of the friends in question I adopted turned out to have ASD so also finding neurodivergent people to click with has really improved my mental health.

It's better to have no friends than shitty ones, and you don't have to have friends to do things you want to do. Go to concerts alone, go shopping alone, do some fun art workshops alone, try a bunch of new things and put yourself out there! You can meet a ton of new people and practice your social skills, which will help your confidence.

If you want friends, you gotta work for them lol. Invite them to hang out, initiate the plans, etc. People like feeling appreciated and lots of people wish that other people would ask them to hang out. Then you'll always have a friend!️

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Ippyhaj's profile picture

its probs them, people are weird but youre better off without shit people in your life, good people will come around. I had to learn to be content with being alone before i met my friends and its great since i dont rely on them to be happy but i still have people yk?

The internet is a great resource too, its good to have places and people to vent to outside of your personal life

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im not sure how to be okay with just being alone,, i spend most of my time alone physically at least already so i mean its okay but i dont wanna like be alone emotionally

by starnnibal; ; Report

thats fair, its not an easy thing to do, we do need people. Im here if you ever need to chat though, just shoot me a im <3

by Ippyhaj; ; Report

Reine Arquette

Reine Arquette's profile picture

you're so awesome that people can't get it sometimes and It's their loss tbh

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Reine Arquette

Reine Arquette's profile picture

you're so awesome that people can't get it sometimes and It's their loss tbh

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