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So, remember when I said I'd post an update about the concert? I got home from the concert and got SUPER sick the next day. Not stomach sick or anything but I woke up feeling like shit and missed like 3 days of work because I was sick for the next week. I had a fever of 39, I haven't had that high of a fever since I was little. Anyways, the concert was fun. we got pushed around a lot because of the big mosh pit, but I had a lot of fun. I felt bad for my friend and their sister because it seemed like they just did NOT wanna be there, I'll make a mental note to not drag them to any mosh pits ever again.

It was my birthday on the 15th, I'm 19 now. I don't feel like I'm 19 though, I still feel like a kid. I'm still really awkward and can't hold a conversation for the life of me, it sucks. I'd say I have the intelligence of a 19 year old (almost) but my social skills are lacking severely. When I'm with my friends I feel a lot more comfortable, but even then I can't think of anything to say in response to anything, and it often makes it seem like I don't care what the other person is saying. Again, it sucks. I'm a really good listener but I can't come back with anything to say because I genuinely don't need to say anything.

Anyways, I've been pretty hyper focused on Death Note recently, I re-watched it again which is funny because this time last year is the time I was hyper focused on Death Note. I'm gonna make it tradition to re-watch Death Note every February. L is my favorite character, I think he's funny but I also just genuinely love how his character was written. It's easy to pass L off as the weird kid who's just really smart, but he has so much emotional depth to his backstory, and it makes episode 25 so much more painful to watch. I'm currently reading L Change the WorLd, I've heard it's an alternate timeline from one of the live action movies, but I haven't seen any of those yet. I don't mind though, I'm like 90% sure the live action movies are just re-telling the story almost exactly how it is in the manga and anime, so I don't think I'm missing anything by not watching the live action before reading the book.
Don't get confused though, I'm still gonna watch the live actions when I can >:)
I saw someone walk by with a death note hoodie at work the other day and I almost died on the spot, I wanted to tell them how much I loved their hoodie but I was at a till so I couldn't just up and leave in the middle of scanning someone's items to compliment her hoodie.
"Excuse me for one second sir, I have to go tell this lady over here that I like her hoodie. I'll be back in a second"

Which reminds me, Misa Amane has inspired me to start embracing goth subculture. I've always wanted to dress gothic (since I was little) but I've never been able to get gothic clothing. Well now that I'm an adult with a job, I can spend my money however I want. Should I be saving up for something important like a car? Maybe..
Do I wanna spend it on gothic clothing instead? Absolutely. I don't wanna get into gothic fashion without actually embracing the culture and music behind it, so I have a playlist full of goth music I'm ready to listen to. I already really like She Wants Revenge so that's a band I can dive deeper into, but I'm excited to find new music to enjoy.

I just remembered, speaking of new music to enjoy, I found this really obscure and not really well known band. It's called Nirvana.

Just kidding.

I found some CD's in our storage the other day, my mom told me our cousin gave them to her because he's friends with the guitar player in the band.

The first CD is the one from the band, it's called MORE, the album is called Trance Lucent, and it's one of the best albums I've ever listened to. The singer's voice is really nice and the overall vibe of the album is so cool. It's just my type of music, I don't know if I should consider it alternative metal or rock of some sort, but it's something similar to those. I've looked for so long on the internet for any digital downloads of the album or anything like that, because I wanna put the album on my ipod, but the only thing I found was an amazon listing of the album and it says it's unavailable (it's also like $60). I can't find ANY information about this band or this album, but I'm so in love with this album you have no idea. Would I consider this album a form of (now found) lost media? No. Realistically there's probably something floating around, whether that's information about the band or the entire album itself available to purchase digitally somewhere. Regardless, I find it super cool that I have this physical album. And no, I'm not gonna gatekeep. What I'm gonna do is buy a disc drive for my laptop and then rip the songs from the CD itself. I don't know if I'll post the songs on youtube or anything because it feels wrong to do that without permission, but I'm definitely gonna put it on my ipod. I might ask my cousin to ask his friend (the guitar player) if it's alright I upload the songs to youtube as a way to archive the album, but it definitely wont be any time soon.

(Watch the entire album be online somewhere, available to listen to, and here I am planning on archiving it when it's already out there. Again, it probably is)

The other CD (there were 2 that our cousin gave to my mom) was the guitar player's personal album, it was an instrumental album, not something I'd typically listen to, but his guitar skills are awesome. This album reminds me of something I'd listen to on the ride home from seeing family or the beginning of a road trip or something like that, it's really good. There's something about finding these albums that filled me with joy, those CD's have just been in our storage for YEARS, and NOW is the time I find them? That's wild.

Big topic shift, but Side Order for Splatoon 3 came out the other day! I beat the tutorial and that's pretty much it, I've been busy with work, and when I'm not working I'm too un-motivated and or tired to really do anything other than mindlessly watch youtube. The tutorial was fun and I can't wait to play more. My friend on the other hand, they beat it mere HOURS after the DLC was released, it's only been like 2 days and they've already beaten it 3 times. The DLC is meant to be played over and over, but goddamn dude, my friend is actually cracked.

I think that's all I have to say, if you've actually read all of this, that's wild. You get a gold star.

I don't actually expect anyone to read these.

0 Kudos


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