Future (literally)

Any advice is appreciated!!!

I am not passionate about anything. I've been switching my major so many times and still don't know what to do. Went from studying to be a surgical tech to an electrician and now I'm studying logistics. Honestly I'm doing this for the money so I can move out. I don't want to be rich I just want to be comfortable but I dont know what I should major in. As I said I'm not passionate about anything and it's stressing me out because I feel like I'm falling behind compared to everybody else. 

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violet ‼️

violet ‼️'s profile picture

Hey! I feel like this a lot, I totally get it. Apparently people have 7 or 8 different careers in their lifetime - not just jobs but whole careers in different fields. You could make a list of careers (or just jobs) that might be even a little bit interesting to you, it doesn't have to be like your life's passion or anything, just something that sounds fun or you would like to try. Now that you have all of these options listed out, just pick one to start with. You'll go into that field for a little while, and if it's not your thing after a few years you'll just pick another one and do that instead. And I don't think anybody *really* feels like they're "on track" in college since it's such a fluid time in everybody's lives. Plus there is no "right way" to live life, everyone is on a different path and it's okay if yours doesn't look like mine, no two look the same. As for your major, I would pick one either based on what you're most interested in studying or what job you would like to have right after college. Again, it doesn't have to be your life's passion, just something that works for right now. Most employers are just looking for the fact that you have a degree, not necessarily what the degree is in. There are so many ways to be successful. I wish you the best! If you ever want to talk I'm so here for you :)

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Hello! thank you for this you gave me some clarity in this crowded brain of mine. Your advice really helped mostly bcz I was afraid I will regret- well everything if i just decided to switch majors. Goes to show I'm intimidated by big changes lol, but thanks to you I had the courage to switch my major. I'm still choosing on an exact program but biology is honestly the most interesting thing to me with financial benefits. Again thanks for the advice! Really appreciate it, I'm here for you as well if you need to chat :3

by Lexi; ; Report


amaya_a7x's profile picture

Hey! I feel very similarly. I just want to get a degree in something so I can move out lol. Its totally normal to feel this way and be uncertain about what you want to do. I know its hard to not feel like you are, but you're not falling behind at all. So many people change their career/field when they are like halfway through life. I am majoring in graphic design right now and sometimes I just sit and think if its the right path for me. I know you said you're not passionate about anything, but is there anything you are even slightly interested? Art, music, sports, any hobbies? There is a way to turn any interest into a career.

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Hi! thank you for this i feel understood instead of just brushed off. I do have interests such as drawing, cooking/baking and music. I can play two instruments and I once had a dream to create my own film lol. But honestly I'm treating it mostly like a hobby since I don't wanna loose interest in it if it becomes a job yknow? I just hope I'm doing the right thing for right now since I need a job that pays me well so I can pursue my interests.

by Lexi; ; Report