my thoughts on thirteen


this movie.. i dont think i should've watched it at the age of 11. ive been seeing a lot of people say that evie is in the wrong for the whole of this movie and that is annoying as fuck because what? shes 13? she is just as immature as tracy, she was just introduced to acting older earlier in life because she had a mother who was a 'crack whore' in her words.. she is traumatised. she needed help. and everyone is like 'oh but mel just didnt want to adopt her but then she threw her under the bus!!!!' is completely ignorant of what happened in the movie? in the scene you can see that brooke was the one who decided to expose her?? and evie had no control over how brooke acted? also, she clearly had a connection (or thought she had a connection) with mel. mel refusing to take her in is something heartbreaking for her. and i do get that mel was tight on money, and i dont blame mel for not taking her in but for tracy to just go and not care about the fact she's sobbing outside and just say 'well brooke's back so you'll be okay!' is so fucking insensitive? evie had been longing for a parent. everyone who was meant to take care of her didn't and brooke is a horrible guardian. her behaviour is entirely based on how she needed to feel loved and she got that by sex and substances and she thought that she wouldnt need to with mel, and that ending never came. she was likely hypersexual, though it's never actually said in the movie. believe what you want but tracy was definitely not innocent. tracy knew what she was getting into. tracy had already been self harming before evie. tracy was definitely mature. i feel the evie haters only hate evie because they see tracy as more innocent and i think that feeling can be linked to race. the stereotype has always been that latinas are dramatic and loud and dangerous 'bad girls' while white girls are pure and innocent. and im not gonna say that its only white people hating on evie either, because that's not the case. i can go into more details about this but i wont. evie never meant to hurt tracy. she thought that she had found someone she could connect to. someone with the same humor, mental state, opinions, and she stuck with that and saw her like a sister. also, tracy isn't the only one who changed in the movie. evie very clearly changed as well. you can see it but you all refuse to see it and i am so fucking tired of it

okay onto my thoughts on tracy now, i dont think her mother was fit for her. she barely noticed what was going on with tracy. her boyfriend overdosed infront of her and she never checked in tracy was okay or even really acknowledge what happened. she clearly loved tracy but she didnt do well enough as a parent. she didnt look twice when her grades were dropping and only started to really care after the dinner scene with all the colourful clothes. she so obviously had issues with food. evie literally was spitting out facts about weight loss, and tracy literally said 'evil food' when mel mentioned it. also, tracy is not that nice. adding onto my previous 'tracy's not innocent' point she literally abandoned her friends for popularity, i don't fully blame her but as i said she knew what she was getting into. but the reason i dont blame her is because she needed the attention. nobody at home paid attention to her. mason was the only one who noticed late in the movie and you can see mason progessively (idk how to spell im sorry) starts disliking evie more in the movie. i dont think mason is really a good person as i think catcalling in the first place is just.. but he was a good brother. nobody listened to her. and she got that affection from guys and from evie which is why they were so inseperable. evie gave her love from her own heart and taught her to be loved sexually. 

i think the internet has not only romanticised this movie but encouraged this behaviour and worse. its not at all uncommon to see kids vaping now and dressing way older than they should. I'm not gonna blame this entirely on media/internet because I think that misogyny and capitalism has a role to play in this but it is still mainly at the fault of the internet. I remember self harming at the age of 9 years old because i saw it on tiktok, and now it's become a habit i can't break. i think romanticising this movie and pretending it's a fun life to live is harmful in so many ways. i dont want children to see this and harm themselves in all ways possible for a trend. thats ot what the future should be. 

i wanna say i think both evie and tracy were victims, and that their relationship was good but also very toxic, also this is just my opinion if you disagree you can say so idm

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