This little blog post, though long fucking overdue, is supposed to guide you a little bit on who I am as a person, how I am as a person, etcetera etcetera, so you can make the choice for yourself if you'd like to waste your time on me.


As you, the reader, hopefully know already, my name is Maxwell. Going over the facts I've written in my profile, I am sixteen with a variety of interests. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to further describe myself as I write this, so perhaps a jumble of What I Would Be's would further help you understand who I am.

If I were a colour, I would be ultraviolet. If I were an animal, I would be a shoebill, at least non-fictionally; Though fictionally I'd totally be Titanus Rodan, the fire beast in the Godzilla series. A season? Summer. Song-wise, I'm Satellite by Will Paquin. How about a book? A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. I'd like to think I'm a dash of Johnny Depp, a pinch of David Bowie, a generous helping of John Lennon, and the entire emotion of anger. Finally, if I were one of the Seven Deadly Sins, I would unfortunately be Envy.Β 


You will have to tell me if something I am saying or doing is making you uncomfortable, I will never get the hint that you are without you explicitly telling me. Similarly, I have no direct boundaries or triggers, you will need to make yours clear to me so that I don't accidentally push too far

Despite my age, orientation, and transgender identity, I align my beliefs with what most would consider conservative, yet not homophobic. That being said, I won't be forcing my beliefs upon anyone, though for anyone who wants to know, what I believe in includes but is not limited to:

- Giving a label to everything isn't necessarily a good thing

- Gender affirming care should not be provided to anyone that is not a legal adult, their mind is not yet fully developed to make a decision as large as that and it's a very real possibility that they'll regret it when they're older

- While I acknowledge I also identify as ftm (female to male) and am a minor, I also acknowledge the fact that it may be a phase or a cognitive distortion, and if said phase diminishes by the time I'm older I will accept that with open arms. I will not be trusting myself to make any further physically altering choices related to my gender identity until I am sure beyond a reasonable doubt that this is the path I am to take

- LGBTQ+ and it's community are not sinful people, nor will they be cast in the fire of hell or whatever. I support them wholeheartedly and believe that homosexuality is natural, love is love, and love is not a choice

- Parents should be able to react to their child's LGBT identity as they see fit as long as it does not include abuse by the standard definition. Not consenting to have their child receive gender-affirming care should not be something that people can have their kid literally taken out of their custody for. That being said it still sucks when they don't support you, etc

- Not all LGBT members are bad, nor are all of them good. I can't say I back a lot of the extremists or the bad apples that give our community a bad name

I have a tendency to be offline for multiple days, even weeks at times, due to lack of social motivation or real life happenings

I make 'kys' or 'kms' jokes consistently, never do I genuinely mean it. Additionally, I useΒ crude/vulgar language consistently, as well as threats and oddly specific monologue paragraph things which means sometimes I'm slow to type

I am grey-ace, which means my sexual behavior speech-wise will fluctuate. Some times I will be open to making sexual jokes or having a relatively NSFW conversation, other times I will not be comfortable with it at all

I struggle with severe overthinking, intrusive thoughts, and insecurities. Topics relating to my appearance or my personality or anything relating to me have a chance to be switched up negatively in my mind later, please be patient with me if I ask for affirmations


Not a good person lel, hope you can make an informed decision based on the fact that you have a better hint at what you're getting into. Additionally, if you feel the need to ask questions OR give a debate on what I've said here, go ahead, I will answer to the best of my ability.Β 

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