ok i just wanna know how this works in ur hs bcs im going crazy with this
i have always used uniform and this is the first year that i can dress as i want in high school (finally) and they have dresscoded me 4 times already
like i get that in a highschool u should dress properly and whatever but there r things that i don't understand. I get that u cant go with ultra mega hyper mini demin shorts and only a bikini top to school, like that makes sense but i got dresscoded once for example for wearing a shirt that was a little bit lifted, i had an open jacket and jeans with belts and they told me that i was looking inappropiate INAPPROPIATE another time also they made me took off my brazalets bcs they were su`ppostly innapropiate too
i dont understand WHY AM I GETTING DRESSCODED FOR THAT and other people tath literally wear crop tops showing ALL THE ABDOMEN arent getting dressocde or anythinglike WHAT AM I DOING WRONG
I dont wanna say anything but i have notice that of all my friends the ones that have like more breast or anything get dresscoded way more than the boys or girls that are moe flat (idgaf every body is beautiful i dont care what u tell me tho) but i dont know if this has always been like this or not or if im going crazy bcs i repeat, I HAVE ALWAYS WORE UNIFORM
idk man im so confused and ive told this to my guardians and a lot of ppl and they all tell me that its my fault for not reading the rules or anything but really i thought we could dress like we wanted and that the code was applied to anyone anyways, like ill dress more according to the dresscode buut i dont know if u feel like this happens in your high school too or not
well i hope i am explaining myself thanks for reading if u arrived here <3
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