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I still feel like a child

Does anyone else feels like everything is going to fast in their lives?

I feel like everyone is achieving thing i've been stuck in the same place for a long time, what if when i move forward its too late? what if i dont get to do anything that i want?, i feel like i have so much dreams and hopes that they are impossible to achieve. 
Sometimes i also feel like im to childish for my age, like im 18 but i act like if i were 13, idk, i know im not like really old, but i still feel like i should act in a certain way that i dont.
I want to believe that its not just me, but why does everyone around me seems to be so happy with their lifes? i felt this way when i was a child, but im not anymore, so why do i still feel like this? 
I cant help acting like a kid, like, its not on porpouse, its just the way i am, i tried to change it a lot of times, but i cant. I feel like if i were acting like an adult, thei i would feel like one. I SWEAR I NEED TO GROW UP. 
I dont know if anyone knows what i mean, i dont know how to put my thoughts and feeling into words.

Btw, sorry for my english, its not my first lenguage.

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shorti ๑˃́ε˂̀๑

shorti ๑˃́ε˂̀๑'s profile picture

i´m nineteen now and i totally feel u. a lot of people i know, mostly locals, are way ahead of me grown up-wise (that sounds weird but idk how to phrase it differently) and it looks like they´re just fine with that...i think it´s very boring. i guess its just an really awkward age to be in general - like you1re in that weird borderline between being an adult and being a child. it´s a little scary, esp if people start belittling you if you are not that "developed" as others your age.

but regardless, i enjoy keeping childlike wonder & stuff. It makes me feel more happy. Growing up is scary but it doesn´t have to be!

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