Last november i finally bought a piano, it's an old casio and i called it maluma as a joke, i think i'm falling in love with playing, i feel so much peace (except when i fail at playing a difficult song i love, then im pure rage for a few seconds until i remember why i love piano).
For years i've seen so many people talk about their journeys with music, how they found a musician they love and how it saved them, or how the bands that they founded with their dearest friends finally kicked off after years of trying. I've been so jealous of them.
I've always wanted to make my own music, fill people with happiness but also make them feel seen and make them think thoroughly about social problems that we face everyday. I have some lyrics and poems already written about this topics that i might share in another blog.
Everyday i spent thinking about how other people were living my dream by doing things so simple like picking up a guitar and playing nonsense until their fingers tired, i felt a wave of disappointment and jealousy, but also, the smallest bit of hope that one day i would be the one playing nonsense just because the sake of it, like a little kid when they get a xylophone and start punching every note just because they can. And what a privilege it is to be able to punch every note just because you can.
Everytime i play piano i remember every person that told me how much they love the song im about to play, everytime i see a person happy because i remember, it fills my heart, i don't understand how someone could hate this.
Im going to be sharing my feelings, thoughts and every useful thing that i find for beginners on new blog entries and i hope someday someone will feel as inspired by this like i once felt by others.
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