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Category: Life

To Be Young, Black and Gifted (a rant)

is something i will never experience. this blog probably won't be super relatable if you aren't black but I just need to get this out. for some reason, this has been weighing me down for a while I'm not sure why maybe because it's black history month or something but for a little context I am a very boring person...I have no hobbies or talents. Academically I am very mediocre, I've never failed but I've also never been super outstanding. The only thing I've ever been good at is math it's always been easy for me, almost like review, unlike chemistry which is currently my worst subject. recently though, math has started to look like chemistry. i don't understand anything anymore, tests that were once an easy A have become B or F no in-between, group quizzes are hell and I come out feeling like an idiot, and when in class I count down the minutes until it ends. I used to be like those stretchy sticky hands you'd get in goody bags except now I'm all dirtied and covered in lint. nothing sticks any more. but none of that is really what I feel horrible about, I accepted the fact that I was boring and talentless a while ago and I'm used to feeling disappointed in myself it's just the fact that I feel intimidated maybe? I guess it's just because all the other black people I'm friends with are very intelligent and talented, I feel like I'm inferior in a way. I'm falling behind but I don't have time to catch up because my youth is already slipping away so in the end I really never will be Young, Black & Gifted. 

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