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Category: Blogging

issue 9

me and "c" got into a fight because i broke his favorite cup. he didnt yell but he didnt say anything either. so i kintsugied his cup in college. ill give it to him soon ig, but he was alright after a while of sulking and told me that hes sorry. even tho i was the one who did wrong ----- i didnt known what to say but hes happy. i wish we went to the same college or even attended the same classes but i loathe the subjects he likes just like how he loathes the ones i love. though i think its great like that as whenever i wont eat something hell gladdly accept eating them, and i do the same when hes picky. we have a routine of talking every night and playing games together but ima wait until i see him to show him my kintsugi. it was such a pain in the ass since i had to read multiple instructions which makes me wanna tell him as i bitch about every little thing to him but i wont. updates soon 

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