Hyacinthus was a Spartan prince, renowed for his beauty and his relationship with Apollo, the sun god.
one day, while they were playing quoits, a throwing game utilizing discuses, they were noticed by zephryus, the god of the west wind. while some say that hyacintnus died while trying to retrieve a discus thrown by apollo, i prefer the version where zephryus, one of the gods who became enamored with hyacinthus, and in turn, jealous of apollo, became so spiteful, he caused the wind to throw the discus off course and hit hyacinthus' head*.
so full with grief, apollo went as far as to ask hades, the god of the underworld, to kill him so he could join his lover. however, due to the limitations of immortality, apollo could not***, and instead created a flower** in hyacinthus' name, with the words of his sorrow etched into them, ("ai ai").
*this displays the trope "if i cant have you, no one can" which only solidifies proof of the gods' jealously and selfishness
**hyacinthus did not actually grow a hyacinth, but instead is said to have sprouted a larkspur or an iris.
*** there are also sources stating that apollo himselve brought hyacinthus back to life
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