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Category: Romance and Relationships

Baking with Hajime (a hopeful bonding experience)!!!

Just got finished baking hope cookies with Hajime!! I'm so blessed for someone as incredible as him to want to spend time with a pest like me. I hope he enjoyed the time went spent together today as much as I did. I'll certainly treasure this moment! Just thinking about the bad luck that's waiting for me is making me feel all tingly...! :)

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🍊Hajime Hinata🍊

🍊Hajime Hinata🍊's profile picture

Hope cookies? You never said they were called that. I know you wrote "HOPE" on *one* of your cookies but I didn't know that was the umbrella term for all of them. I only did it because Sonia invited me and then didn't show up and you can't be trusted in a kitchen alone. I didn't want another death on our hands.

And what's with the category.

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I decided that would be the most fitting name for them! Sorry if that was presumptuous of me, Hajime. It was certainly a hopeful experience after all... having the opportunity to bond with such an incredible symbol of hope such as yourself..!

Can't be trusted? That's disappointing, haha... Why's that?

by 🍀Nagito🍀; ; Report

That was more stressful than a "hope inducing bonding experience". It would have been enjoyable if I wasn't in a constant state of worry and had to watch you. Every other minute you were threatening to poison the cookies and rushed over to the knife drawer multiple times.

Seriously what is the category about?!?

by 🍊Hajime Hinata🍊; ; Report

Ah, Hajime! You should have told me you weren't enjoying our baking session..! I'll be certain to make it more enjoyable for you if you ever decide to spend time with me again like this.
Thanks for spending time with me anyway! :)

by 🍀Nagito🍀; ; Report

It wasn't completely terrible as I did get to eat cookies. It could have been worse.

Stop ignoring me. What is the "Romance and Relationships" category about?!?!

by 🍊Hajime Hinata🍊; ; Report