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Category: Blogging

fanexpo van!!!!

fanexpo van just happened! to be honest, it was a little underwhelming. i had fun with my friends, of course, and i love dressing up as nyan neko sugar girls, but even then we were missing our bokutachi!!! :( the event just kinda sucked, the events were not as fun as anirevo because anirevo events are made by the fans, and fanexpo is ran by a big company now. 

the security was super fucking strict, not allowing us to sit or even stand in the venue we paid around $90 to be in for the weekend!! plus the layout sucked. the venue was also way smaller, only renting basically the downstairs and escalators going up and down. though i did go to my first ever drag show there! that was fun. and after the con on saturday, i went on a bus and skytrain and stuff to a value village and i got some good stuff.

then we just walked around the city till my dad picked us up at 11pm or so. it was freezing! but i talked about vkei and stuff so it distracted me haha.

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