HAL 🌊🌴's profile picture

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Category: Life

02.20.24 - life updates

so life has certainly decided to catch up to me. finally told a doctor
about my current overheating issues, and now i am seeing a neurologist
in a week. they wanted me in sooner but since i can't drive i needed a
big enough heads up.
i hope i figure out what's wrong, it has gotten to the point where i genuinely do not
think i can work at my job, or any job really. the pain is so bad. i hope whatever is
wrong can be treated, and i'm not stuck living like this for the
rest of my life.
besides that, parents brought home covid which was a pain, but i am nearly
recovered thankfully. still mad they brought it home, as i have been careful
masking and couldn't afford more hour cuts, but it is what it is
nuko sigh

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Salem's profile picture

Wishing you luck dude, I also have overheating issues and we found out mine are related to my stomach and anxiety if the neurology path doesn't give you the answers you're looking for! <3

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thank you <3 i think neurology is the right answer, since my skin gets goosebumps and i start twitching really bad. just hoping it's nothing too serious

by HAL 🌊🌴; ; Report