If you're ever feeling really anxious or any other negative emotion, try a coping skill. I know it can at times be hard to be motivated to do, but it's important to try.
(Disclaimer: not everything will work for you. some might work better than others in certain situations. it's all about figuring out what works for you)
*It's ideal to make a before-plan on how to deal with said intense emotions. When in a good mindset write out the intense emotions you deal with and attach specific coping skills with what you think would help you best during that time. (this can take trial and error) Post it somewhere in eye view. (ex. in your room or wherever you think is best, maybe even keep it on your phone for on the go.)
Here's a list of some healthy coping mechanisms:
(of course, there are others. feel free to give ideas)
- Take deep breaths & Slowly count to ten
- Take a quick walk
- Practice yoga
- Listen to music
- Talk to a friend
- Close your eyes and relax
- Visualize your favorite place
- Think about someone you love
- Read a good book
- Jog in place
- Write in a journal
- Hum your favorite song
-Draw a picture
- Color a coloring page
- Clean something
- Meditate
- Use a stress ball
- Dance
- Write a letter
- Look at pictures you’ve taken
- Give someone a hug
- Put a puzzle together
- Hug a stuffed animal
- Rip paper into pieces
- Play an instrument
- Watch a good movie
- Take pictures
- Garden
- Blow bubbles
- Chew gum
- Paint your nails
- Write a story
- Blog
- Write a poem
- Drink cold water
- Draw cartoons
- Write a thank you note
- Count to 100
- Make a list for the future
- Read inspirational quotes
- Look at animal pictures and videos
-Hyperfocus on an object
-Notice 5 things you can see, touch, smell, hear
-Use a relaxation app
- Watch a funny video
- Drink some tea
-Cook or bake
-Express your feelings to someone
-Write down your thoughts
-Tell someone you are thankful for them
-Pet an animal
- Organize something
- Play a card game
- Listen to nature sounds
-Sit and relax all your muscles
-sit in a cold shower fully clothed
-splash cold water in your face
-do your makeup
-cuddle a pet
-punch a pillow or punching bag
-scream into a pillow
-go for a drive
Now when you are actually in an emotional state what you need to do first is to identify your emotions. Regulate your breathing, unclench your muscles, and go through what triggered the feeling. I know sometimes the brain can be overwhelmed. It's best to try to clear up some space by doing what I'd stated.
Sometimes it's multiple emotions, and that's okay too! Just try to narrow it down and figure out what exactly you're feeling. Once you do that try to implement your plan created for those emotions.
Sidenote: Sometimes there's no specific reason or trigger for your strong emotions and that is valid too. What is important is maintaining your feelings, coping, and hopefully getting to a better spot. Just try and be patient with yourself. These things can take time.
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Ginny :D
i love this :D thx so much!
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