remember Skype? (yet another idea)

i thought - Discord is really close to Skype functionally, and i saw a login screen of this mockup:

it looked kinda familiar, but at the time i saw that mockup, i couldn't quite put my finger on what it reminded me of.

and then, on a lone saturday morining, i was inspecting a Skype 3.8 .exe file. i accidentally launched it, and then it hit me:

it looks awfully close to Skype 3.8 login window! and i had an idea:

even if we can't revive Skype itself (no, i'm not considering what left of it today a real Skype, but a walking corpse of it after Microsoft tortured it so badly), we can revive the spirit of it - i got an idea of a third-party Discord client that mimicks the layout and behaviour of Skype 3.8 and maybe other versions of Skype!^^ After all, Discord is just like Skype, but with servers, which are basically group chats on steroids with IRC-like structure.

so, if i get someone to help and will actually be skilled enough to write a graphical app that also works on legacy versions of Windows (Windows XP and up), i will actually make this true! will have to think how to better tie-in Discord-exclusive features to Skype's UI, but this is the least of the problems i will have to get over I think~

but for now, this is just a great idea i wanted to share! see ya in next blog^^

14 Kudos


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blog archive's profile picture

Damn, that screenshot. IIRC, it was a concept first shared around on some oldschool software Discord server I used to be in, I don't remember if it was Escargot/NINA's Discord or what... That was a crazy thing to recall though, I wonder if any other concepts were shared since then.

I've honestly not seen Skype 3.8 as I'm mostly familiar with Skype 7 if you remember that. It sucks that it's gone, but everything has to mature. I'm not even really complaining anymore, but the new logo is just so noticably off, I don't like it.

Regardless, a concept like this would be huge and honestly really neat to see! Though the risk that this runs would worry me. I've gotten several past accounts disabled after using cancel fm's Ripcord client, and that thing's dead as fuck by now.

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Rainy's profile picture

I wish discord was a lot more lenient with 3rd party clients, for example ik theres a couple cool terminal clients out there but u run the risk of getting banned for self-botting by using them.. sigh

In any case, this is still a rather cool idea, even if the implementation sounds wacky. I don't imagine making a cross-platform discord client compatible with a 20 year old proprietary operating system is the easiest thing ever, especially since XP doesn't support modern desktop frameworks like electron afaik

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Same I would use vencord but i don't like risking my account that has all my friends and such on it.

by Okami; ; Report

vencord is actually really safe, discord does not go out of their way to ban client mods. when I say custom clients I mean from-scratch clients, as in they're not built from the stock client at all, with GTKCord (now called Dissent) probably being the most well known. Discord has been known to ban people using from-scratch clients, the developer of the now deprecated 6cord (from-scratch terminal Discord client) got banned this way. But client mods like Vencord and BD are extremely safe and unless a bunch of people go out of their way to report you, and they have proof, nothing will happen, and even then, idk if Discord would take action lol

by Rainy; ; Report

ah ok :3

by Okami; ; Report


Spark's profile picture

this mockup rocks

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dj's profile picture

this is such a cool and interesting idea, i love it

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