anxious.racoon's profile picture

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Category: Blogging


i simply dont understand people who like to live

what do you mean i have to finish school, find a job and work untill i die?

i dont want to live in this society

let me live in a small cottage in the forest where noone can find me

i am not made to work my whole life 

this world is getting destroyed and i am supposed to just continue??

i always dreamt of being an artist 

now im burnt out 

thanks to the system 

every day is a fckn struggle

i dont- i cant keep on living like this

someone show me the way

because i dont know where to go or  what to do

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Zren's profile picture

You're not alone!

Lots of people learn to live off-grid. It can be a challenge for those of us to learn - but I'm sure there's some helpful guides on Youtube.

Alternatively, there's also some trade schools that might be more your style than most college degrees. I'm a massage therapist. I chose not to have kids, and I have a husky with my partner. That's enough family for me to be happy.

There's not a lot I can say about the world getting destroyed... Climate activists could always use help. That despair can be channeled into constructive anger to better the world somehow. Those organizations would be better at giving direction on that sort of thing. Citizen's Climate Lobby is the one I can think of at the moment.

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