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Category: SpaceHey

old internet

sry but ppl here clearly have never been to the internet before 2016 LOL people werent so butthurt about everything back then. dont take anything seriously on the internet plz!! <3 

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guillotine's profile picture

people were tolerant because it was easier than letting it be a big deal... you're not obligated to be tolerant or find things funny just because 'it's a joke'... get real

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well have a fun life taking everything seriously xd doesnt it stress u out

by xXpurplecatXx; ; Report

if you equate knowing your own humor and what you tolerate as 'taking life too seriously' you need help... we're in 2024, not 2016. Grow up and get with the times

by guillotine; ; Report

im literally older than u

by xXpurplecatXx; ; Report

And..? Does that automatically make you wiser or smarter? Or do you just want to live in a world where everybody says yes to you because you're entitled... get with the times old timer.

by guillotine; ; Report

why are you so mad bro get off the page and go to sleep. and i said im older referring to the part where u told me to "grow up" xd anyway i wont be replying anymore bc im not desperate to start drama like u..

by xXpurplecatXx; ; Report

Girl... really thinking someone is mad by having a different opinion... maybe take your own advice first before talking lololol

by guillotine; ; Report