
Question does anyone have or had a penpal before? If so had did it go and any tip how to start pen paling 

 Because I would love a penpal that a I could write poems to or just to talk to someone

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leo's profile picture

hi!! Im looking forward to starting to penpal with someone, but I don't have a partner. would you like to talk to see if we could become one?

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crows's profile picture

I'm also new to penpaling, one tip I would give is to talk with the person for a bit, get some info about them so you can then bring it up in your first letters. Also me and my penpal like to text on insta with one simple sentence or paragraph saying we received it or not, and when we sent out letters:]

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oh also the penpaling is going good, it's really fun, it makes your day to see it come through the po. if you're looking for a penpal, we can! :D

by crows; ; Report