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Category: Life


change is inevitable, change is natural, its the way things are supposed to be

 change is good, change is a beautiful concept

when the summer leaves turn into a beautiful brown in autumn , then winter rolls around and they fall off

but sometimes i hate change, sometimes change doesnt feel so good, sometimes i  wish it wasnt a thing

ive grown as a person in a positive way, but i miss the way things were when i was younger, i miss those moments, i hear a song and it brings me back to comforting moments, maybe looking out a car window on a late night drive in the city, or cuddled up in my favorite blankets with my candles lit in my old room. or being in the old house playing with all the toys in the toy box while my mother cleans the kitchen listening to the radio. 

but i know soon this moment right now will become nostalgic, the songs im listening too as i write this, or the smell of a certain candle i have lit after cleaning up my bedroom, or the smell of my skincare, or the fuzzy feeling of my blankets as i cuddle up in my tiny bed and read. 

but then again everything will come to an end, even this.

so maybe instead of always reminiscing on my past, i should appreciate the present so i can enjoy my future.

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