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socionics - yin/yang subtypes and element charges

my first yap session abt socio omg!! sillypology me would have fainted reading this. im a socionics beginner so i might be wrong on some parts but this is my knowledge abt charges so far

yin/yang subtypes and element charges

what are element charges?

"Plus and minus signs are a convention used by many socionists to separate what are seen as two 'versions' of the same IM element, depending on which of two other elements it is blocked with in the type formula of a specific socionic type."

in my view, element charges define if an element is "positive" or "negative", "expanding" or "reducing". you can see them as making an element "healthy" or "unhealthy", but i feel like the emotional meaning of "positive" and "negative" fits better.

note that just because an element is negative doesnt mean that it hasnt a healthy aspect to it. for example, fe- might focus more on negative feelings than fe+, and vice versa, but fe- "balances" others emotions, unlike fe+ that just accepts them. (esipilled)

they can help you understand your type better, know if u are mistyped, and understand how you use the elements. even if this looks like added weight and difficulty on socionics, i would recommend reading about the charge system for beginners.

"1. Characteristics of the (+) charge:
● Forcefulness and imposingness, pushing against things.
● Moving towards others.
● Quick and decisive action at the cost of imprecision.
● Clearness, concreteness, specificity.
● Taking the spotlight, being at the forefront, increasing visibility.
● Orientation in the positive zone.
● Pioneerism - a thirst for novelty and newness.

2. Characteristics of the (-) charge:
● Passiveness and a disposition to be directed or pushed against.
● Moving away from others.
● Mysteriousness, vagueness, abstractness.
● Slow and careful action, carefully refining one’s knowledge.
● Withdrawal, disappearing, reducing visibility.
● Orientation in the negative zone.
● Conservatism, looking to avoid waste and refine the old."

what are the yin/yang subtypes?

ermm so likeee im lowk unsure abt this rn so ill write another draft and release it here when i figure it out ^_^ ion think augustas descs make sense bcz esi does not have positive static elements so it shouldnt be able to be yang but what i know, yin/yang looks similar to the negativist/positivist. idk. ;-;

i kinda figured it out!! so like when they wrote "The Yang subtype accentuates the + aspects of Statics and - of Dynamics." and "The Yin subtype accentuates the - aspects of Statics and + of Dynamics." i think they meant the "aspects" as the parts of the charge descs. each element has 2 parts for each charge, 4 parts in total. the first 2 ones are the positive aspect of the positive charge and the negative aspect for the negative charge. the 2 ones under that are the negative aspect for the positive charge and the positive aspect for the negative charge. i believe that the "strongness" of ur positive elements vs ur negative ones might influence ur subtype but typing off the "aspects" is more reliable as of what i know.

example: (fe)
● Ethics of Positive Emotions [+]: To focus on positive emotions, to cheer people
up, to excite, shake up, and electrify others.
(positive charge positive aspect)
● Ethics of Negative Emotions [-]: To dwell in negative emotions, to embrace
negative moods, to see the beauty in negative emotionality.
(negative charge negative aspect)
● Ethics of Intensity [+]: To accept intense and zealous emotions, to feel fiery
and passionate emotions as they come.
(positive charge negative aspect)
● Ethics of Conciliation [-]: To balance people’s emotional state, to balance
emotions, to remove people from a state of complacency and apathy.
(negative charge positive aspect)

example: (te)
● Logic of Acceleration [+]: To work swiftly and rapidly, to complete a lot of work
at once, to “jump” into activity and burn out when it’s complete.
(positive charge positive aspect)
● Logic of Steadiness [-]: To work slowly but steadily, to complete work
gradually, to gradually transition in and out of activity.
(negative charge negative aspect)
● Logic of Results [+]: To work with any process that will get a result, to ensure
that work actually happens, to get the job done, to make things work now.
(positive charge negative aspect)
● Logic of Processes [-]: To work with repeatable processes, to ensure the
correct steps were taken, to validate methods, to ensure repeatability.
(negative charge positive aspect)

note: "negative charges" and "negative aspects" doesnt mean that theyre "bad" in a way. fe- with a negative aspect looks more actually "bad"/"negative" than te- w/ a negative aspect.

to type urself, i would recommend having any app where u can input text open, to make it more easier to type. look at all the charges of ur type and read on them. if u find the positive aspect for that element + charge more relatable than the negative one, write "positives" besides that element. example: (esi/involuntary)

Ne- Negative
Ti- Positive
Se- Positive
Fi- Negative

Ni+ Negative
Te+ Positive
Si+ Negative
Fe+ Negative

since yang emphasizes negative aspects of dynamics, i would be yang even tho my static aspects are more balanced.

yin/yang subtypes might look similar to the positivist/negativist type dichotomy

how do the element charges manifest in your type?

evoluntary types

ILE, SEI, EIE, LSI, SEE, ILI, LSE, and EII. they have Ne+ Ti+ Se+ Fi+ (positive static element charges) and Ni- Te- Si- Fe- (negative dynamic element charges).

involuntary types

ESE, LII, SLE, IEI, LIE, ESI, IEE, and SLI. they have Ne- Ti- Se- Fi- (negative static element charges) and Ni+ Te+ Si+ Fe+ (positive dynamic element charges).

(C stands for charge, A for aspect)

extroverted elements


● Intuition of Novelty [+ C, + A]: To see capabilities in things that were once unknown,
to maximize a possible breakthrough, to work with fundamentally new
structures, to highlight the specific essence of a phenomenon.
● Intuition of Latency [- C, - A]: To realize the capabilities of something that is already
known, to reinvigorate structures, to refine what’s already been established.
To highlight a universal phenomenon, like human nature in general.
● Intuition of Development [+ C, - A]: To develop one’s potential from scratch, to
transform from an apprentice to a master, to develop new skills that other
people don’t already have.
● Intuition of Talent [- C, + A]: To develop talents that are already present in an
individual, to avoid “wasted potential”, to highlight natural skills present in all


● Sensorics of Visibility [+ C, + A]: To bring something towards the center of attention,
to make things visible, to dress something elegantly, to operate in the

● Sensorics of Conservation [- C, - A]: To spend money conservatively, to avoid
investing in frivolous things, to only use resources when necessary.
● Sensorics of Expenditure [+ C, - A]: To spend money lavishly, to invest in new things,
to see your resources as freely usable for enrichment.

● Sensorics of Invisibility [- C, + A]: To move things away from the center of attention,
to make things invisible, to dress something quietly, to operate from the


● Logic of Acceleration [+ C, + A]: To work swiftly and rapidly, to complete a lot of work
at once, to “jump” into activity and burn out when it’s complete.
● Logic of Steadiness [-
C, - A]: To work slowly but steadily, to complete work
gradually, to gradually transition in and out of activity.
● Logic of Results [+
C, - A]: To work with any process that will get a result, to ensure
that work actually happens, to get the job done, to make things work now.
● Logic of Processes [-
C, + A]: To work with repeatable processes, to ensure the
correct steps were taken, to validate methods, to ensure repeatability.


● Ethics of Positive Emotions [- C, + A]: To focus on positive emotions, to cheer people
up, to excite, shake up, and electrify others.
● Ethics of Negative Emotions [-
C, - A]: To dwell in negative emotions, to embrace
negative moods, to see the beauty in negative emotionality.
● Ethics of Intensity [+
C, - A]: To accept intense and zealous emotions, to feel fiery
and passionate emotions as they come.
● Ethics of Conciliation [-
C, + A]: To balance people’s emotional state, to balance
emotions, to remove people from a state of complacency and apathy.

introverted elements


● Intuition of Hope [+ C, + A]: To see a bright and better future, to show hope for the
good things that will come, to see the joys the future will bring.
● Intuition of Jeopardy [-
C, - A]: To see the dangerous events in the future, to warn
others of impending doom, to see the destruction the future holds.
● Intuition of Haste [+
C, - A]: To feel time pass rapidly, to view time through the lens of
quick, inconsistent bursts, to feel a rush of time pass.
● Intuition of Pacing [-
C, + A]: To follow a schedule, to regulate and plan one’s use of
time for the long term, to balance the rhythm of one’s life.


● Sensorics of Comfort [+ C, + A]: To cultivate positive sensations, to heed attention
towards comfort, to try to increase the positive feelings one experiences, to
make a space comfortable and enjoyable.
● Sensorics of Discomfort [-
C, - A]: To recognize negative sensations, to heed
attention towards pain, to try to remove negative feelings one experiences, to
remove unwanted things from a space.
● Sensorics of Indulgence [+
C, - A]: To follow one’s natural instincts, to give into
temptation, to maximize strong, positive sensations, to do what feels good.
● Sensorics of Temperance [-
C, + A]: To control one’s urges, to recognize temptations,
to regulate one’s consumption even during indulgence.


● Logic of Interdependence [+ C, + A]: To embrace one’s needs, to mutually cooperate
with others in society, to increase one’s connection to a social system.
● Logic of Independence [-
C, - A]: To minimize one’s needs, to try to meet all of your
needs on your own, to reduce one’s needs and be independent, to break
away from a social system.
● Logic of Construction [+
C, - A]: To fight for a system, to push for its implementation,
solve its problems, and uphold it. To seek a higher position within the system
with personal advantages.
● Logic of Deconstruction [-
C, + A]: To deconstruct a system of relationships, to
destroy it, revolutionize it, or create a new one. To seek justice over a high


● Ethics of Forgiveness [+ C, - A]: To forgive those who’ve wronged others, to see the
good in flawed people, to give people chances for redemption.
● Ethics of Condemnation [
- C, - A]: To not forgive people, to highlight the flaws in
people, to remove evil people rather than give them a chance to redeem
● Ethics of Distance [
+ C, + A]: To keep others at a distance, to keep people away from
one’s territory, to differentiate and disconnect from others, to close off love
and desire.
● Ethics of Closeness [
- C, + A]: To draw closer towards others, to bring others to
one’s territory, to focus on positive relationships, to be open with one’s love
and desire.

the aspects r just my opinions but ;-; i wish there were more resources ;-; idek if these are what the aspects r accurate but from what i have heard this is a pretty accurate way to type yin/yang


Wikisocion - Plus and minus (wikisocion overhated i fear...)

Karniv and WaterNode - The SCS Charge System: A Proposal (pls read this)

and my tiktok dms.

thank u for reading ^_^ if anything is wrong please dm me on discord abt it (username in my carrd), my dms are open and im in the alleyway and artmscord ^_^

2 Kudos


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this is ass give up

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heh... ://

by kit ✯; ; Report