5). Self

Self. The quivering pitter patter of the mind, thoughts whisking and shifting with the wind. Thoughts which mimic raindrops in the pale lucent night. It’s almost as if my mind is one of its own. It nearly feels that if I remain stable in my unwavering attempts, that once, and maybe just once, i’ll someday see it. Perceive it. In all its utterly perspicacious brilliance. Preeminence radiates off the mind in similar fashion to bountiful rays of the oh so mighty sun. Understood? Its sheer amazement is unquantifiable by even our own acutely attentive, but needless to say, sublunary esse. In comparison, its unco idiosyncrasy simply can’t be traced with reasoning. Now then, with that understanding, here’s a question for you to ruminate on; “Is there really anything more important than self?” I would like for you to ponder on this subject matter for quite some time. Even if you feel like you have an answer, even if it’s already locked and loaded, hold it. Why? Because i’ll answer for you. No. Self is the end all be all. The originator, as well as the only everlasting thing of substance, in a person’s existence. Self is imperative to a person’s being as it is just that; their being. Without self you are nothing, without self you turn shallow inside and out. A dimmed void of regurgitated notions, a shattered remnant of what you once were. There’s this saying that goes, if a tree falls in an empty forest, and no one is there to hear or perceive it. Does the sound still exist? We’ve all heard it before. Now, here’s a spin on it. 5 boys are inside one of the boy’s house. There sits a vase on the kitchen table of the house, and since the boys are inside the house with that vase, said vase exists with no problem. However, let’s say the boys leave the house to go play outside. Since there is no longer anyone able to perceive the vase, it no longer exists. At least not in their current world. That goes to say, it is imperative to us as the very pinnacle of the humane, that we discover ourself before anything. Finding yourself can take time. Decades even. Some even go a lifetime without finding out who they truly were. On a the other hand, all this discussion regarding ontological beliefs brings into question several other notions. Such as: “What determines self? What makes someone themself? Or better yet unique. Is the true value of self just an abstraction preordained at birth?”. Let’s say we grab two ordinary boys, make them live throughout the exact same life as the other, would they think the same? Or is there a genetic, or innate factor involved in the way a person turns out in life. Is it all just sociological? Or is there some things we just simply don’t decide when it comes to us as individual entities. Nevertheless, no matter how you cut it, you as a obviously distinctive terrestrial creature of this land, can not be trumped or repeated by anyone or anything. Doesn’t matter how difficult or how many times attempt to replicate it, you, will forever be special. Don’t forget those words.

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