late night yapping

helloooo it is currently 1:38 am and i just remembered to start the blog after ages of roblox playing, i first played an event with zzz and then i played spongebob gold digging thingy majig but the thing i wanted to talk about today is the state of the world, not in a political way, i think idk kindof but the main thing i wanna talk about is phones, everyone is addicted to them and we dont even realise it, teenagers are supposed to be out making memories but theyre so depressed and recently teenagers are more depressed than ever recoreded, but i also notice that we are onling more than ever recorded, i know im gonna get alot of hate for this but i think that phones ar ruining society, socal media is causing brainrot, and theyre raising standards for beauty and people wonder why gen-alpha has the sephoria 10 year olds, we have addapted to our phones and technolodgy so much that its all we do, and if im honest i do think that 2020 was mbarrasing but it was also the best year of my life because i felt like myself, yes i had my emo phase and yes it was cringe but i dont care because i was happy, did you know that before socal media there wasnt really a basic type of style because most people where unuqe? what happened to that? if i dress slightly alt in public i get bullied because of the standards that we have created, sometimes i listen to old music and watch old movies and think to myself "what happened" i wanna go back to when we actually looked foward to the summer for more reasons than just getting off school, like the sleepovers, the beach trips, biking with friends and all that stuff but if anyone tries to do that now we are all on our phones 

the song that inspired this blog is called "summer of '69"  i hope you guys agree with me and if you do give it a kudo, and if this didnt make sense to you or if you have something you wanna say just comment it and ill repily!


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i agree so much u have no idea. its sad bc i feel like im wasting my youth yet i cant do anything abt it bc if i decide to get off my phone everyone else is still on them and i'll be out of the loop on everything. phones have rly made us all so much more isolated and like u said, no one is rly unique anymore. evryones just doing wtvr is trending (trends that end up passing by super quickly and end up being "cringe" in a month) and i just wish ppl could just stop judging and do express themselves how they want. i just dont feel like life is lifeing latelyyyy idk

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