considering being a femboy, is it worth it?

i was considering being a femboy for quite some time, for about a few months. question is, is it worth it? i just don't know if i'll be bullied for being a femboy or not

i mean, i could ruin my life by being a femboy, there could be a slight chance i could sexualise myself (that'd also ruin my life) and etc, etc.

i just thought of becoming one

im 13 and i dont know if this is too young to be a femboy or not

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YuppieGuppy's profile picture

Definitely depends on how far you want to take it. Are you thinking really short hair, buff stature, all out? Or just simple loose baggy clothing with nappy hair and jewelry. There are different varieties of femboy that range from simple to extreme. Since you're 13, I think the most you would want to experiment with is choppy layered short or long hair and big clothing, maybe some accessories. You don't have to go all out the same way these influencers pose online. Some of them usually put on a front anyways.
This is just advice coming from someone who's just turning 20. It's ok to experiment, but if you don't feel like it's 100% you, do not force it please. You could end up with messed up idea of your body image like a few of my friends from high school.
The most important thing to come out of this would be for you to have fun! ^^

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deploygirlfriend's profile picture

It depends on your definition of it...
Some people use it to genuinely describe their gender (feminine-masc,) some people use it as a sexualized term.

If you're wanting the latter, especially for your age, I'd avoid being a "femboy." 13 is a very young age. You need to protect yourself and not put yourself out there, especially on the internet.

Trust me, I've been on the internet for 11 years.

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