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THE DATE >///<

SO… CODY TOTALLY TOOK ME OUT ON A DOUBLE DATE WITH ALEJANDRO AND HEATHER IT WAS ABSOLUTELY ROMANTICC… except when I got a little heated since I got scammed out of muh precious yaoi (AGAIN!! ://) I like BARELY got mad at cody… 

Anyways… Heather like organized it for us UNBLOCK MEH!!!

She brang us to this Italian restaurant near the beach <3  #ROMANCE💕 it would have been MORE romantic if that stupid family next to us didn’t bring their stupid dumb screaming INFANT >:/ 

… whatever…. While we were eating, Alejandro kept giving Cody looks- like smirks and stuff ;-; like… Does he like have something in his teeth?? Or is it some kinda neurological thing? That would be so sad.. enough to bring a tear to your eye ;-;.. but those things can be fixed! I heard they have insinuations for people like him🤗

The Italian food was SO YUMMEH :D but they put a little pepper on Cody’s spaghetti so he started weezing and crying :( I had to comfort  him And make him feel better 💔 IT WAZ 2 SPICY FOR MY BABBEH BOYYYY :(((( 

Cody was also talking about his little Mario game he likes a lot since Mario is Italian or whatever. so cute >_< 

So like heather mentioned something makeup related #BEAUTYGORLLL I didn’t get it… derp XD so like- I asked her and B4 she spoke, Cody butted in and like explained it all With details and examples. Like get it gaybo I see you #CUNNNTTT


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