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Category: Writing and Poetry

︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ Valentine's Chocolates ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶

happy valentines day everyone! since it's a sweet day today, i decided to make some fluff. it's mainly self indulgent fluff for me since i usually put these two characters through some dark stuff, but you didn't need to know that.


11:30 PM

Zeus was running around his kitchen, just barely caring about the noise he was making. He was carrying a multitude of ingredients in his hands and slamming them down on the counter. He was also moving around in the dark, so he kept bumping into things. The fact that he has dyspraxia didn't make things any better.

Apparently, in the midst of all his panic, Zeus had forgotten to turn on the lights. In his mind, there was only one thought: "I forgot about Valentines Day... I forgot about Valentines Day!"

He would've just went out and bought chocolates, but that wasn't enough. That would never be enough for the girl he was trying to impress. Not only that, but it was a little too late to buy foodstuff now. Everything was closed for the night.

The girl Zeus wanted was the most perfect girl in the world. Pale blue eyes, a chubby body, beautiful brown hair, and--

Zeus shook his head. "This is no time to be thinking about her!" he thought to himself.

Zeus rummaged around and found two pots. He set them down on the stove and heaved a heavy sigh. It had taken him way longer than it should have to prepare everything, but he was just so busy panicking and worrying about whether or not the girl he wanted would even want chocolates or not.

Better safe than sorry, after all...

11:45 PM

After only a few minutes, Zeus was done with making the chocolates. He brought one to his lips to taste test them, but he was hit with a sudden memory.

He had actually made chocolates before for his ex-girlfriend, Denise, but when he gave them to her, she spat them out and called them garbage. Denise even told Zeus to never make food for her again. It was that that made Zeus step away from baking, or making any food for that matter, because he thought he was horrible at it.

But it was going to be different this time. The girl that Zeus wanted now was Denise's polar opposite. Even still, there was a nagging voice at the back of his head telling him that the girl he liked so much wouldn't appreciate his hard work.

4:30 - The next day - Jamie's POV

Zeus has been avoiding her all day. Hell, he wouldn't even make eye contact with her. Every time Jamie tried initiating conversation, which was a massive feat for her severely socially anxious and shy self, Zeus would just blow her off or leave the vicinity altogether.

Usually, Jamie liked being alone with her thoughts, but this time, her thoughts were nagging and loud. And she hated it. Jamie was worried that she had accidentally made Zeus angry.

Now here she was, sitting in the band room all by herself with her bass huddled close to her body, her eyes to the floor, almost on the verge of tears. Just like usual, she was waiting for Zeus. He was the first friend Jamie has ever made, so she didn't really know what to do in order to fix things. She got to her feet in order to leave the room, but the door opened briskly.

Zeus was there, his guitar in his hands. When the two of them made eye contact, they swiftly looked away from each other.

Zeus didn't say a word. He walked in and sat down on the couch next to Jamie, which was a surprise for her. But even though the two of them were so close, Zeus still wouldn't look at her.

The two of them were silent for a solid minute before Zeus said something. "So, you're probably wondering why I've been... ignoring you." Zeus muttered, still not bothering to look at her. Jamie swore that she could see the color pink dusting his cheeks.

"Are you angry at me?" Jamie asked. Her voice was so soft, yet full of pain. Zeus had to strain to hear her. He looked down at her incredulously.

"Angry at you? Of course not! I don't think I could ever get mad at you." Zeus replied, sounding shocked that Jamie would even dare to suggest such a thing.

"Then why have you been avoiding me?"

Zeus' lips pursed. He placed his guitar down and rummaged through his backpack. After a few moments and curses under his breath, he pulled out a small, red bag. He handed it to Jamie, his blush infinitely more prominent than before.

"Huh? What's this?" Jamie asked in her signature soft voice as she peeked inside the bag. To her surprise, there was a misshapen box of chocolates inside. "Is this... for me?"

"I've been trying to figure out how to give that to you all day," Zeus admitted, his face burning with shame. "I shouldn't have ignored you, but being around you made me nervous. I'm sorry."

Jamie had accepted his apology. She opened the box of chocolates and put one of the chocolates into her mouth. Instantly, she was overwhelmed by just how good it tasted. Jamie could tell that lots of love were put into these, whether Zeus wanted to admit it or not.


"I don't want to know how you feel about them."


"Please, just don't tell me." Zeus begged. Pain briefly flashed in his bright, orange eyes.

"Okay, I won't." Jamie murmured.

After that, the two of them stayed like that in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company.

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