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a small guide to my personality

my name is nick, i'm 18, almost 19, and unfortunately brazilian. i'm also neurodivergent, but i'm still not sure what my problem is. i have a few guesses, though... 

i don't hate being brazilian or being neurodivergent, i'm kidding. don't take me too seriously, it will only cause you a headache.

ok, i lied. i do hate being brazilian. every brazilian does. it's fine.


this is a long blog.

i can speak portuguese (native), english, and dutch. my english is fluent, my dutch, not so much. i can speak spanish too, but poorly. i will try my best to learn spanish just so i can brag about being able to speak four languages and impress some girls ;)

anyway, i have a lot of interests, the most prominent one being good omens!!! my favourite characters ever are crowley and aziraphale and, no, i can't choose between the two. i love them equally, and so fucking much. i almost started loving aziraphale a bit less after the last episode, but i forgive him.... just like he forgave crowley. 

now, take a look at the bastards:

good omens plushies sleeping after making love to each other

i also love david tennant and doctor who. i wish my mom had forced me to be an actor and used her child abuse for something useful. i'd be rich right now and would have money for therapy!

i also like furbies! i have 11 furbies in total (from all generations). i don't really have a preference, the only ones i don't have are those ugly ass motherfuckers (the new 2023 ones) and the other ugly ass motherfuckers (the 2005 baby ones, but at least they've got some personality) though i want to get the both of them one day. 

my fav furbie is charlotte, she's a 2005 white furby. the right one on the first pic.

some of my furbies (yes, that's shrek)

uhhh music. ok. i like queen. no- i adore queen. it's my favourite band, though i've been listening to the smiths more frequently than them these past few weeks. i also love the beatles, blur, mother mother, and the velvet underground. I was obsessed with gorillaz like a year ago. 

fave songs are: (from each band/artist--not necessarily in order)

femme fatale - the velvet underground ☆ don't let me down - the beatles ☆ take me to church - hozier ☆ find me somebody to love - queen ☆ two trucks - lemon demon ☆ girls & boys - blur ☆ to binge - gorillaz ☆ bigmouth strikes again - the smiths ☆ it's only sex ☆ car seat headrest ☆ calm me down - mother mother ☆ eyes without a face ☆ billy idol

can i say something controversial? i fucking hate the new gorillaz. not the songs, the songs are decent (nothing compared to older albums but FINE. DECENT. GOOD ENOUGH). but their new aesthetic is ASS. fucking hate what they did to murdoc. let him be toxic!! ok, that's kinda mean, BUT I DON'T CARE, OK? IT USED TO BE FUNNY. HE'S A FICTIONAL CHARACTER, LET ME HAVE FUN.

He just- kidnapped 2D and put him inside a room underwater and HIRED a WHALE to watch him and forced him to record songs. this is funny as fuck. now 2D is just some tik tok boy, murdoc always wears that ugly ass cult outfit, russel's personality is non-existent and noodle's personality (according to some people, who are encouraged by the new gorillaz lore™) is being pretty,because that's all that i hear from her. also, 2D has always been better than 3D! my opinion! feel free to disagree and leave yours on the comments. 

sorry, that was a whole ass rant... anyway. i'm a gamer. my favourite game is hollow knight, i think it's one of the best games out there and i'm not exaggerating. i just can't get enough of it, and i've been playing for five years already and it still feels awesome. i've defeated every boss hundreds of times and i'm not tired yet. i also love stardew valley, minecraft, the sims--simulators in general. i used to play league of legends back in the day, but decided to stop because i hated the new meta with tank champions being able to HEAL and LIFE-STEAL and DEAL DAMAGE... currently thinking of going back to playing, but i shouldn't. i really shouldn't. i used to play as vi, neeko, and rakan.

time to flex a bit. these are my hollow knight achievements.

me being completely obsessed with hollow knight

i like christian mythology and religion in general. i'm an atheist if you haven't figured yet. i've had pretty bad experiences in the past with religion, my whole family is religious and conservative, but that isn't the only reason i've "become" an atheist. i've never really believed in god, not even as a kid, and i don't think i ever will because it's too far away from what i believe in. the more i read the bible, the more certain i am god isn't real--at least not the christian god--you can say i'm agnostic for any god, but an atheist for the christian one. but the bible and the "lore" fascinates me, it always had, that must be why i love good omens so much.

i'm also a mbti nerd. ask me to type you based on your profile (don't expect it to be accurate) and i will. i know a lot about cognitive functions, shadow functions, etc. i'm an entp myself. i also love astronomy and talking about black holes, white holes, worm holes..... okay, that's too many holes. let's stop talking about holes for now.

about life... i live in the netherlands, i'm very single (i hate it), and i study game art. it has been fun so far, nothing to really complain about. i've made a lot of friends, and, listen to me, they aren't only your average friends. they're the best people i've ever met. craziest too, fucking wild. it was like an instant connection. they love me despite my greatest flaws, such as talking really loudly (can't help it, it's the brazilianess) and biting things. i should get a biting toy.

oh yeah, i'm an artist too duh that's why i do game art. i like drawing my oc's, which is annoying because people don't give a fuck about them. i love drawing characters in general. character design is my passion, but for now i want to be a storyboard artist since i love making up stories so much. my oc lore is decent, but i'm really bad at writing. i just can't deliver emotions through words.

this drawing is kinda old but i still like it

burwyn, one of my characters, made for an assingment.

ok, about my future plans, apart from working in the animation/game industry: i want a WIFE  (yes, top priority). i don't want kids, they're too much for me, or, well, actually, too less. what kind of conversation are we supposed to have? colours and shapes? and i always seem to know more shapes than them. they don't even know what a hexagon is, for god's sake!

i'm horrible with kids, it's not that i hate them, it's just that i overestimate their capacity to understand things. these days i was trying to explain to my niece the difference between 2D and 3D and how to differentiate them. my sister laughed her ass off. my niece can't even read yet. 

i want cats since i'm NOT a dog person. i don't dislike dogs, i just like cats WAY more. and i guess i just want to have a chill life. i don't really like travelling, i'm not very adventurous and, if i'm being honest with myself, i'm pretty much a chicken. i will do everything possible to avoid trouble, unless i'm sure i can get away with it. and i always do.

i guess im gonna make a dni list just for fun lol

dni if you think garten of banban is a good game unironically, dni if you think the earth is flat, dni if you're christian (trust me, this is for your own good), dni if you dislike good omens lol dni if you get offended super easily (ok, i think i gotta explain myself for this one. i'm super good with dealing with sensitive people for the most part, but if you get triggered easily, maybe here isn't the best place for you. i don't blame you, but don't expect me to put trigger warnings on every blog of mine.) dni if you're racist, homophobic, sexist or--oh, you know what i mean. this should be obvious. if it isn't for you, do us a favour and go back to twitter, 4chan, or whatever. 

dni if you have a good relationship with your mom (IM JOKING IM JOKING IM JOKING)

more fun facts to finish off

i LOVE coffee with milk. i drink it every day. macchiato, cappuccino, etc, love all of them. not pure coffe, though, specially not without sugar. i'm weak.

i'm really bad at maths, cooking, and flirting.

if it wasn't painfully obvious already, i'm a lesbian. i don't think there is a "role model" of what a lesbian looks like, but, if there was, i would be it. i have the lesbian facial structure, i am fond of the lesbian culture, i am objectively, factually, and scientifically lesbian. i love women. boobs. pu

i love comedies. that's the only thing i watch. if it's not going to make me laugh, i'm not interested, life is rough enough already. i hate movies and shows with sad endings.

favourite food = sushi. one day i will plant rice and buy a big pond to illegally breed salmons so i can have infinite sushi (don't worry, i will take good care of them). i love salmon sushi, sushi with cream cheese, temaki, spicy mayo. all of them. all of the sushi. i also love brazilian food. yes, i eat rice and beans almost every day. yes, i love it. 

ok, that was that. i think that's enough for now. thank you for reading, if you did. if you didn't, fair enough.

4 Kudos


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