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Fantasy Football and War UI

I don't pay for ad free youtube. I likely should as of all the video services I do use, it likely ranks the highest but I am broke and I do not.
As it is football season I've been getting one in particular that I never paid any great deal of attention to. It was what I took for a fantasy football platform ad that I mindlessly skipped week after week until, while following a series of links to a Twitter thread, I happened to see who the ad was actually from. And rather than some random online fantasy football league it was Palantir.
Palantir for the uninitiated wasn't founded entirely by, but in part, by Peter Thiel a member of the paypal mafia who later invested in Facebook. A wealthy man, with an interesting idea of how the world should work.
The company itself wants to be Big Brother and is built on data crunching. Named after the evil looking stone in theĀ  Lord of the Rings, definitely the books, but the image in the film is likely what is actually going to pop into people's heads. The first iterations of their software were meant to take in vast amounts of information of all sorts, from business to outright military intelligence and spit out something digestible and from there even create predictions. More than a crystal ball but an all seeing not eye but brain.
As Ai has entered the public consciousness in a big way, Palantir began to market a new tool. If you have played a real time strategy game, they promised to deliver this experience to actual conflict, the maneuvering of drones and movements of troops now on a handy screen with a nifty UI. AI plays the part of an assistant, chiming in with alerts and allowing you to ask it questions and work towards the best choice in any given situation akin to working out an issue with a recipe or a repair whose directions you got from ChatGTP.
Football, American Football to be clear, is meant to be almost a replication of war at a small scale, but it deeply strange to watch a program I first saw demonstrating bombing runs used to play out a fantasy game between the Dragons and the Owls.

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