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Category: Life

valentines day

Today marks the 1st anniversary of the worst mistake of my life. Don't try to do the whole romance thing imo, just celebrate the people you spend your time with. Trying to be romantically involved with someone is practically asking for emotional abuse, if you are involved with someone, you need to REALLY make sure that THAT person is the one.

Oh also, just a PSA, the first Sunday of August is national friendship day in the U.S.A. and it might be good to celebrate that in about 6 months too!

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Zren's profile picture

As someone married for several years, I feel like the idea of there being "the one" can be a dangerous view for those first diving into the dating scene with little to no experience. There's no soulmate of destiny. We're all just looking for compatible partner to make life easier.

In my experience, its all about timing and meeting someone at a similar stage of life and maturity.

It does really make one vulnerable to emotional abuse so slow steps are definitely best. I rushed into one a long time ago with someone who I honestly believed was "the one" and that mindset just made me reek of desperation.

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that's actually so true! im still probably going to keep my distance from a romantic standpoint personally but i totally see the appeal for a lot of other ppl. like id just rather be close friends with the ppl that i care about instead of being like, "a thing" with them.

by sarah!; ; Report