uselessflesh<3's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

hihihi !!! ^_^

hii welcome to my blog !!! <3

i will be posting anything that comes to mind really could be things such as my characters to rants to irl life., some blogs will be public, some friends so please keep that in mind!

byf ; i need people to know i am autistic and NEED tonetags, even if im around people who understand tone i will still be using them as not only does it help myself but also any other people who need them + i also have chronic fatigue syndrome which causes me to lack energy very quickly, this usually doesn't affect my text but i still sometimes come off as dry when in that place which is just another reason i use them.

dni ; basic dni crit such as racists, homophobes, transphobes, ableists etc ! if you're against kins or dislike characters i kin, i do not want to be wasting time arguing over stuff that is a waste of my and your time ! creeps, i am a MINOR, if you are nsfw (in a srs way, jokes are fine) or trying to be weird GTFO ! ppl filled with hate, if you're here to hate or be rude, go waste your time on something else.

if you want any other socials of mine such as discord, insta (only when extremely close) and more, i would like to get to know you first!

thank you sm for reading!!! please do check out my profile and see if we have anything in common ^_^ i would love to meet some awesome ppl and be friends!!!! <3 will try to be as active as possible, mwa !

3 Kudos


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