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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

*๏ฝฅแฟพ แตŽโŒ‡๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐—ฎ๐˜ ๐—๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—ฟ๐—ป๐—ฎ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ดหš เผ˜ (ENG VERSION YAY!)

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What is "Journaling"?

Doing "Journaling" or, by its translation, "Writing in a Diary", consists of a daily practice where experiences, feelings, thoughts or basically anything are written in a notebook with a personal purpose only such as:

clarify emotions

mitigate sentimental discomfortย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย 

set goals

leave a record of the past


According to Wikipedia

"The personal diary or life diary is a subgenre of biography and specifically of autobiography. It is a text that in a fragmentary way and with the date recorded is usually intended for an internal and private reading of the person who wrote it"

If you have decided to start in the world of Jounaling

I'ld be glad to help you!!

You'll need...

A notebook! (obviously lol)

Aย pencil to write! (or many if you want to add some color)

An eraser if you need to erase something! (mistakes are happy accidents!!)


Stickers!! (a lot of them!!ย )

anything with which you can decorate the pages completely to your liking!

Some things to know before writing!!

Journal Types

Believe it or not, there are different types of diaries such as:

Normal Journal

The classic diary where you only write what comes to mind! Nothing very complicated if you know what you want to capture on those pages.

Digital Journal

The same as the previous one, only in digital, it is not very complicated either, you can write a virtual diary in almost any program that lets you do it and an electronic device, even here in Spacehey you can write one!

ย Morning pages

It is about writing morning thoughts, right after waking up because generally our ideas are fresh and free of all kinds of distractions that could alter the authenticity of the writing.

ย Gratitude Journaling

It is based on writing from a previously made reflection and thanking/blessing (as the name says) for everything lived, past and experienced. It is very useful if you were left without thanking someone and your conscience bothers you because of it. It brings positive consequences such as the practice of positivity and empathy by giving thanks for even the smallest details, and provides the ability to cope with problems from other perspectives.

ย Letters

Writing letters to yourself at some point, to someone, or to no one too! Expressing your feelings by creating a message can help you practice forgiveness, empathy, and practice your skills to understand problems. It also serves to capture feelings in order to help overcome any problem, emotional damage or recurring thought. It helps you say what you never said!

ย Scripting

This type of diary is more about the theme of attraction and visualization, what you do is create a script (as the name says) based on some objective that you want to enhance or some event that you are about to experience, you visualize yourself in that and from your perspective of the present you narrate everything that will come (your feelings, actions, thoughts, etc...). Include details!, such as the environment in which you will be, what you will perceive and what you expect from all of that.

ย Reflection Journal

Here you will write your retraining about an event, occurrence and/or thought that is generating conflicting and negative emotions in you. Face everything that is making you complex with positive energy, self-awareness and a calm mind to give them a new perspective from positivism (I know you can do it!)

ย Visual Journaling

This is based on aesthetics only, blank pages to be filled with all types of visual content (drawings, poems, images, clippings of all kinds) that you like, that has importance in your mind or that reminds you of some feeling. Practice your design skills with this type of Journaling and have fun at it! A sub-branch of visual journals that I have been trying is "Trash Journaling" which is basically gluing trash to the pages for its visual appeal or sentimental value.

NOTE: Don't pigeonhole yourself into just one type of Journal, you can design your journal to your own taste by combining all the aspects mentioned above, have fun!

What to write?

My first piece of advice would be: Look for inspiration, there are many people out there and many publish their Journaling processes on the internet, get inspired!

Or if you really have no idea where to start, I recommend this:

Start from some narrative

It can be from your day, from an experience or even create your own stories!

Question your reality

doubts like Where am I? How do I feel right now? What matters to me in life? What plans do I have for the future? They usually work well when starting out.

Connect with your interior

Start releasing all those feelings and/or thoughts that you have repressed or that you want to tell, the diary will listen to you without judging you!

If you've made it to this far, congratulations!

You can now start writing!!

In conclusion, I hope this blog is helpful to someone and I hope whoever reads this liked it, thank you very much for reading until the end!

Some advice I can give would be to take it easy since writing something can be stressful because you don't like it, but don't be so self-critical of your work since this is a way to let off steam, not something to do to give more stress to others. our life

Also, choose your time to write, it can be morning, afternoon, night, or just when your ideas come to your mind! The idea is to capture everything that we can or cannot express in white pages for its preservation, to end boredom or to let off steam.

I wish you good luck on your path to writing, see ya soon!


Resources used:

Futuro, F.; Futuro, F. ยฟQuรฉ escribir en un journaling?. Formas Futuro. https://formasfuturo.com.co/tips/que-escribir-en-un-journaling/.

colaboradores de Wikipedia. Diario personal. Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diario_personal.

Translated with Google Translate

2 Kudos


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