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Category: Life

thank god i'm a bad daughter

this blog was supposed to be about ignorant people in general, but it turned into a rant about my mom... have fun

can you imagine living in a family full of anti-vaxxers, negationists, racists, homophobes, sexists and, worst of them all: FLAT-EARTHERS?

i don't! because that's how my family has been for the past few years. my brother-in-law is the only one who comprehends the earth is a globe, but he's pretty sexist in compensation. my mom and sisters are as sexist as a woman can be, especially my mom, who wanted to force me to wear pink because people were starting to ask her if i'm a lesbian. too bad for her, i started to wear beanies just out of spite.

of all of them, the worst is my mom... listen, she isn't just regularly stupid. she isn't your average white woman, your occasional karen. she is clinically stupid.

i'm not joking -- if she were to take an IQ test, they'd have to make a new scale for negative results -- and to make matters worse, she probably has NPD, so she doesn't acknowledge how absurdly unintelligent she is, and actually thinks she's super smart even though she can barely speak her own native language correctly (despite having been properly educated growing up)

and i just... can't stand her. apart from all the abuse she made me and my sister suffer growing up, including: 1- trying to uh...eradicate my dad twice, once holding me in her arms as a baby while chasing him with scissors -- which doesn't have the right to be so funny 2- throwing my stuff away because she saw them as "demonic" 3- did i mention she goes through my stuff so often that i have to keep diaries and sketchbooks in my friend's locker? --- her stupidity somehow bothers me more than EVERYTHING ELSE she has done to me. sure, call me slurs and all, but i'll draw the line at you thinking the earth is PANCAKE-SHAPED

she only asks stupid questions, doesn't think about the future at all, and makes bad decisions -- among other quirky traits -- so we both have to deal with the consequences of her actions because i'm still dependent on her despite not living together, and she's not smart enough to solve things on her own.

of course, you make bad decisions too, we all make mistakes. but if something is objectively a bad decision, you're at least going to think twice before going for it. my mom doesn't. i don't think she even thinks once. i don't think she was thinking when she had me, or my sister, or married my dad. she might as well had been squeezed so much as a kid that her brain flew off through her nostrils. maybe she doesn't have a brain -- maybe my life is a social experiment and i'm some type of scientist's lab rat, maybe my life is a "the sims" game and god downloaded some type of "parental abuse" mod, who knows!? 

and do you know what's worse? is that people think i'm a bad daughter because i say that i can't deal with her bullshit anymore. well, good that they think i'm a bad daughter! i don't even want to know what "being a good daughter" means for my mom. i'd be probably murdering orphans right now, kicking abandoned dogs, going around stealing homeless people or being mean to shop attendants. she thinks she will go to heaven, and so do i, because the devil must be afraid of her, the poor thing!

let's just say that, the thing i'm most proud of about myself, is not turning out like her. 

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