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Category: Blogging

Can we talk about how people are just rude?

So today at school (I was sick for 2 days last week) no one talks to me unless it was my bsf or my other friend, I was tired and had a head ache, and got easily agitated. And I kept mentioning that to my friends and I was playing with her hair and she yanked my hair. Like full on heard my neck crack, you saw my head get pulled down aggressively. And I said "ow that hurt what the fuck" and she said "what did I hurt you badly?" In a sarcastic manner and it took her 20 FUCKING MINUTES TO REALIZE IT REALLYΒ  HURT! "oh my god I'm sorry." And I just ignored her. Like I'm so done with people. And her cause she's pretty fake and kinda rude. But can we also talk about how I'm scared to ride the bus. I said no to vaping cuz this girl I've known for a while asked me and my friend if she wanted a hit if her vape and we said no and got mad. So I told on her (I know I'm a snitch but come on) and I think she wants to beat my ass now. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Have the day you deserve~~~πŸ’—

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