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Category: Life

The ultimate guide on choosing the right music for a car trip (with your mom)

So, imagine the following - you are sitting in a car, your mom on the drivers seat, generic pop music of a dude whose name is something like "EpicGeorge" that youve heared 10 times this day already but despise is blasting through the speakers connected to the old Radio. You are getting tired of this, you want to change things up. So you connect your Bluetooth Transmitter to the Car, switch the Radio Channel to be playing sound off of the transmitter, you open spotify and...

You and your mom are met with silence. Your finger is hovering over the Shuffle button of your liked songs, but you just cant bring yourself to press play. What if Spotify decides to play that one Japanese Anime OP or that one love song you dont even listen yourself most of the time because you are to emberassed that you like it? What if good music comes on and your mom looks at the Transmitter with disgust and clicks on "Skip Track" without even saying a word? Now its time to choose the correct song. Now its time to choose something both you and your mom like. But how do you do that?

Step One:
Must create a sense of scarecity, shells will sell much be- oh wait, wrong text, sorry about that. The real step, obviously, would be to decide whether to focus on your or your moms musical taste. Lets go with the option that you are NOT the taste guy here. Lets go with the decision that you decide that its better if your mom enjoys the music and you only enjoy it a bit, instead of you loving it and your mom grounding you for the next 3 weeks for it.

Step Two:
Think "Nostalgic". Since you are here on this very plattform i suppose thats already what you do but lets still go over this topic because you dont want your mom to say: "So this is the new weird stuff you guys are listening to?". What Music instantley strikes you nostalgic? Could it be that your mom likes that music aswell, since "if its nostalgic for you, it can also be nostalgic for her"? Well thats a good starting point, but be aware that your mom might not be nostalgic for Gusty Garden Galaxy or the Intro of your favourite TV Show growing up - so...

Step Three:
...stay away from themes!!! This is SO important. Mothers despise nothing more than hearing either japanese people screaming on top of their lungs or the music of the Wii game you grew up with. Its better to go with "real" Music that you listened a lot to when you were younger, because its likely that your mom listened to it with you. Obviously, we dont want to create the generic pop song problem all over again, so be aware that you want to choose something different something with a bit more to it.

Step four:
Choose something with a bit more to it. Dont choose pop, but also dont choose generic songs that consist of "Hello madam, i want to show you with words how much i love / miss / hate you" or "This song is absolutely amazing!!!". You dont want your mom to think of you as a simple person, do you?

Step five:
Know your genres. Maybe your mom likes Rock, maybe she likes jazz. Maybe you like rock but you fucking hate jazz. Then choose Rock. But think again - what kind of rock? Alternative Rock? Hard Rock? Just think like the following: If your mom would say its "too loud", dont choose it. If your mom would sing with it... dont choose it! Find a balance!

Step six:
Find a balance! Please! You dont want your mom singing "21 Guns" in your car - but you also dont want her to shake her head. Find a head-nod-balance or a foot-tap-balance (no wait scrap that, not recommended while in a car). If your mom would sing to "21 Guns" but shake her head at "Know your enemy", then play "Boulevard of Broken dreams" or "Wake me up when september ends"!

Step seven:
Make a playlist. Found a song you know your mom likes not too much but also doesnt hate, is nostalgic for and is also liked by you? Put it in a playlist. Then, once that playlist is filled with about 15-20 songs, play it all the time when you and your mom are on a short car trip. 

She wont ever notice a difference to her usual songs by "EpicGeorge" but you will and that is something that you can now treasure for ever.
I hope my guide helped! Cheers.

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