The Cold Metal Wall; A Peom

About a week or two, maybe, three ago I was up at about five in the mornin, nothing out of the ordinary, I wake up early. But suddenly I was possessed with an idea. If you are also possessed by ideas you know that if you do not write them down quickly you will forget them and then later on want to harm yourself or others, so I wrote it all down. The words flowed out of me as naturally as blood might, maybe even more so.

With out further ado;


I rest my head on a cold metal wall,

I wish for springtime,

I run my fingers over the smooth freezing surface,

I dream of summertime.

I have walked about the room many times,

Not a corner to be found,

It is a burning unyielding surface,

I see nothing as I wander round and round.

I cannot help but ask myself this question,

Where did the sun go?

The wall replies,

Where did you go?

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