things that dont work

yknow ive always had this annoying issue with something i must fix (electronics or a software problem) and like,, most of the time it just doesnt work??? i have a recent example on this site where i wanted to put a custom cursor on my profile and it worked for a while but the selector cursor (the little hand when u hover over something) wasnt the custom one i downloaded and instead went to the default cursor and like its so frustratinggg cuz i did everything right to make it work and it just doesnt and for fuck sake dudeee....

its always with like games and shit too like i tried to play gta sa on my pc and i tried evrything for the mouse to function properly and IT FUCKIN DIDNT NO MATTER WHAT AND I WAS JUST WATCHING CJS CAMERA DOING 360S AND SHIT AUUUUUGHHH RAARRRRR

now in life there is also this recurrent problem so heres another example (buckle up fucker this is a long ass story):

a year ago i paired up with a classmate for a school science fair project and it was simple, literally just make a planet. the planet we chose was jupiter, and we thought ``huh, this should be easy lets just paint a polystyrene ball and call it a dayยดยด but nooooo, the planet must be ACCURATE to the actual planet size (they wanted to hang them on the ceiling so it would look like the solar system). so accidentally we got like the BIGGEST FUCKING PLANET because we were stupid enough to not think about that.

since the planets must have the accurate size of the actual planets, the teacher decided to buy some of those beach balls, since the planets must be big an shit and yada yada yada (whatever), so we began to inflate the balls (that sounds weird af lmao).

since the balls where colored differently and it would look weird if we tried to paint it directly, i started thinking...... until i thought of the stupidest fucking idea ever..... what if i try to cover the entire thing with paper mache?

so i went to the store and got some paper mache, some spray paint, liquid paint and i went to school to make the abomination with my classmate.

after like an hour or two we covered the entire thing with the material, we decided to let it rest and dry up on top of a bucket next to the science labs window, since a lot of wind passed through and it would be quicker to dry.

so heres the problem: IT DID NOT DRY. we waited i think 5 days for it to dry, and it WAS STILL WET. the science fair was in a day so we decided to try and paint the thing with the sprays and the liquid paint that i had stored in my locker.

we started painting the thing with white spray to make a base so it wouldnt jumble up the colors that much and it also would cover the brown color that the paper mache had. after we painted the entire thing with white, we tried mixing some of the colors to match jupiters, and we began painting it over.

the thing is we didnt have time to wait for it to dry, so like........ ummmmm...... the paint began to flow, and the end result was a goopy mess of light blue, red, brown and white.

in the end we just took it to the teacher and explained it, she understood, but she looked massively dissapointed (she didnt really care because it technically wasnt our fault that it got it that way even though we put it the window that got the most air outside).

we didnt show up a the science fair because we just didnt give a shit in the first place, but hey, at least the project wasnt counted in our grades (idk why tho, probably because the entire school was doing it for the event but i could be wrong).

so yeeeeaaaaahhh that was the most boring shit youve ever read but if you did read until here....... CONGRATZZZZZ THANK U FOR READINNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!11!!! ok bye lol

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