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The biggest problem being a teen now a days

There are so many things wrong with being a teen this day in Society, and I'm not saying this to be a moodie teen myself. One of the most major problems with being a teen is the feeling of wanting to be accepted into a society and to not to be seen as a stuped little kid anymore, That goes along with not only wanting acceptance from adults but also acceptance online social media. Another problem is that most of the time nowadays People are opening up more about mental issues such as depression, anxiety, and addictions, But its heard to do that when grown abults look down one us teens and tell us we have no right to feel "depressed When we don't have to worry about bills or a job" but we do because they need to uderstand that not only are our bodys changing but also our minds , and not only that but we are watching as our world is being broken apart by the same adults we have trusted to keep us safe, but how are we safe if we dont get the help that we need. Their are so many teen's out here that have given up because they have not been able to get the right help and it became to late, and I see people out here that say stuff like "well maybe if they would have came and asked for help" or "its sad that they thought this was the only way out but it's not our fault we couldent have stoped it" And yes you cant stop somthing like happening if someone really wants to do it BUT you can at least try. That is all we are asking is to TRY.

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