First I wasnt sure where to put this
But there's SO MUCH ART everywhere and its so overwhelming sometimes because i want to see as much of it from paintings, drawings, movies, music, and like we're just not talking about like in America or the western world but EVERYWHERE THROUGH OUT TIME. Plus theres so much GOOD art, even if its bad its good... And then like all the different ways people have made, and are creating art, with the lengths that people go to. Not even in just like the typical way you think of Art but like i said earlier even with movies, music, architecture, writing, and like anything and all in between and not. It's just astounding
I get reminded of this every so often especially when im watching an Old movie or I'm on spotify and just go through similar artist through similar artist through similar artist through similar artist, through new releases through new releases through new releases, or even on youtube and I see a video talking about the background of any particular art. Why they did what they did/the color scheme/mediums/what worked/what didnt/what was hard about it
Its crazy and I just love it
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