My iPod Video Refurbishment :D

/customizing/repairing/wtver the fuck you wanna call it

I replaced:
  • LCD Screen
  • Click Wheel & Center Button
  • Front Panel
  • Back Panel
  • (+ obviously the charger bezel and headphone jack/hold switch)
And I previously replaced the battery.

[before and after pics]

I'm so happy with how this turned out. Man, I was so fucking scared!

You've really gotta get all up in the guts of the iPod to replace most of this shit. It's terrifying. If you're curious to see some of the process, I posted a Tiktok where I cut together all my salvageable footage. Most of my footage was unusable since I kept dragging the iPod off-camera to do the super difficult stuff. (Replacing a billion microscopic screws... so fun.)

I did this in roughly an hour, WITH previous experience taking the iPod apart to replace the battery. I don't think somebody fresh to iPod Classic repair could tackle this as easily.

It's not that it's difficult per se. It's that undoing the little latches necessary for these repairs is a learned skill. I think if you go into this not knowing how to do all that at all, you're gonna have a rough time. It really, really fucking feels like you're gonna break those little latches when you're doing it. I'm sure it's very easy to slip and break them for real.

Also, I can admit, the very first time I ever opened this bad boy up, I did it wrong and fucked up the front panel by shoving my pry tool directly in between the screen and panel. Understanding the necessary motion to properly open the iPod can be frustrating. I've gotten the hand of it, and even I still get a little scared when doing it.

Otherwise, these are all fairly simple repairs. There's no welding, it's just a bunch of latches.

I'm happy I chose to do this all at once, because doing things one by one seems like it'd be a nightmare.

Anyways I'm exhausted, sleep deprived, and going to bed now.

2 Kudos


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