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Category: Life


I've been so depressed, lemme why. I told my prescriber that the meds weren't working last week. I've been telling them for months at this point. I really hate what they told me last time which was to give them time to get my system used to it. I've been giving it time and wishing that things would work. They haven't started working at all. So I saw them last week and told them that I need a med change and explained that I've been hallucinating again and that my depression has been super bad, they told me that I needed to go to the ER. When I told them no they asked me why. I explained that I am used to what I see and hear because I've been seeing stuff since I was  little kid. They asked that my mom talk to them alone. What they said is that I was attention seeking. My mom lost her shit and hung up on them. They gave me back one of my old meds and asked that we see them in person next time we have a meeting with them. 

1 Kudos


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