am i the only one who still does this?

im turning 19 this year (wow im getting old lol) and i still LOVE swinging on the swings. theres this playground near my house and i go there all the time just to swing on the swings. some may think its a little weird for a grown adult to do this but i dont care, its fun, and fun doesnt have an age limit! plus, the playground i go to is pretty much deserted these days because most of the kids in the neighborhood either moved away or grew up… its a little sad, but atleast i have the swings all to myself :D i also like to plug in my earphones and listen to music and daydream while swinging, its just so… therapeutic! i swear i’d do this all freaking day if i didnt get motion sickness. am i the only one?? 

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Beanie's profile picture

I'm 23 and will absolutely RUN to the swings to get there before kids do even though I have breathing issues and EDS

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PumpkinPuffle's profile picture

Nah, cause same. Even as an adult, swinging on swings is still so freeing and fun lol

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Damien<3's profile picture

bro same i love swinging on swings its so fun!! i go to a park near my house all the time and swing on them hehe

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յ𝖘յ𝖙𝕮օ𝖑Յ🔪⛓⚰'s profile picture

I do it too lmao, theres a local park that I can ride my skateboard and walk to and the best part is that my boyfriend can walk there too and one of my friends lives right next to the park!! Sometimes me and my bf will swing together and listen to music, it's awesome

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WILLI4M / CRIMSON <3's profile picture


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by ☆TotallyBlingedOut☆; ; Report